Agenda item


Holmwood, 33 Main Street, Kirby Bellars


Applicant: Mr And Mrs Alan Batten

Location: Holmwood, 33 Main Street, Kirby Bellars

Proposal: Proposed two bedroom single storey dwelling


The Case Officer (GBA) stated that there had been updates to the report, and stated that:

  • Petition received in support of the application with 21 local signatures.
  • One further objection has been received that highlighted the parking issues along Main Street, Kirby Bellars. All other concerns raised have been addressed in the report.
  • An additional reason for refusal has been added, relevant to Para 53 of the NPPF, over the resisting of development in residential gardens.


Stuart Machin, an objector, was invited to speak and stated that:

  • This scheme has a direct impact on neighbours.
  • Kirby Bellars is an unsustainable location.
  • There are no benefits to this scheme.
  • This is contrary to both the Melton local Plan and the NPPF.
  • There are properties available to buy within the village.
  • This reduces the amenity value for neighbours.
  • The proposal breaks several design policies.
  • This is not an appropriate development.
  • There is no back land development within Kirby Bellars.
  • There is a lack of amenities in the area.
  • Support the recommendation to refuse.


A Cllr sought clarification on the location of neighbouring houses on the plans.


Alan Batten, the applicant, was invited to speak and stated that:

  • They want to downsize but remain within the community.
  • Member of the parish Council
  • Support lots of community events within the community – valued members of the community.
  • There are no suitable properties available in Kirby Bellars.
  • The scheme has almost 300sqm of garden.
  • There is already back land development in the area.
  • Local Plan says that Kirby Bellars will need some development to be able to survive.
  • Very reluctant to leave the area.


Cllrs had no questions for Mr Batten.


The Case Officer (GBA) stated that there were no further updates.


The Chair opened up the application for a debate.


A Cllr queried about the receipt of a petition in support of the application.

The Case Officer (GBA) clarified that MBC received a petition with 21 signatures in support of this application.


A Cllr stated that they had sympathy with the applicant, and the there does need to be some development within this village.


A Cllr stated that the scheme is not currently recommended for refusal under the Local Plan conditions. The site may be over intensive with this scheme. Do not agree with Clause 1 in the conditions in the recommendation for refusal.


Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services (JW) stated that the new SS3 in the Local Plan would enable development such as this, where there is a demonstrable need.


A Cllr argued that people who work and are valued members of the community are very important, such as the applicant.


A Cllr stated that the plot size seems very large for a two bed bungalow.


A Cllr stated that this scheme may be over intensification of the site, but development is needed in this village.


Cllr Greenow proposed a motion to refuse along with officer recommendation. As well as a new reason as in Paragraph 53 of the NPPF about inappropriate garden and back land development.


Cllr Posnett seconded the motion to refuse.


A Vote was held on the motion to refuse.


6 Members supported the motion.

4 Members voted against the motion.

0 Members abstained from the vote.


Cllr Higgins requested that his vote against the motion be recorded.


DETERMINATION: REFUSED, for the following reasons:


  1. The dwelling hereby proposed is considered to be located in an unsustainable location. Kirby Bellars as a village lacks many amenities that facilities sustainable travel and therefore the proposed occupants would rely on the private motor vehicle, contrary to the advice in the NPPF and overall aims in creating sustainable development.


  1. The proposed erection of a new dwelling in this location is considered to represent overdevelopment of the site, in terms of the limited amount of amenity space available and its impact on the character of the surrounding area. Accordingly, the proposal conflicts with Policy BE1 of the adopted Local Plan and the NPPF chapter 7.


  1. The proposed development is deemed to be an inappropriate form of development of a residential garden that is deemed to cause harm to the local area and therefore contrary to NPPF paragraph 53.


Councillors Voted in favour of continuing the meeting to a conclusion.


Supporting documents: