Agenda item


Land off Station Road, Bottesford


The Committee had a break at 7.42pm and reconvened at 7.47pm


Applicant: Mrs Cheryl Hibbert and Mr Christopher Greasley

Location: Land off Station Road, Bottesford

Proposal: Erection of 4no dwellings (amended layout and house types)


(a)  The Planning Officer (GBA) presented the report and stated that:

Just one update on this one is that a full response from the LCC highways team has now been obtained that finds the amendments are acceptable and request their standard conditions be applied on ensuring the access is implemented as agreed.


The following proposal is a full application for four houses on land off Station Road Bottesford.


The scheme proposed is that all houses are two bedroom properties, dormer bungalow in scale and form and shown on a slide.


Various amendments have been achieved to take account of the concerns of views to the church and impact on the open space.


As hopefully clear as per our visit on Monday this is no longer an allocated open space in the new local plan.  Each area is encouraged now to put these spaces forward as part of a neighbourhood plan which their currently is none for Bottesford.


In terms of policy considerations therefore it is primarily SS1 that has been considered which is around applications in service centres such as Bottesford.

The principle of development is there viewed acceptable owing to the sustainable nature of the village with its key available facilities being in walking distance from the proposed site and good public transport links.


In addition, owing to the private nature of the open space and that a large section of this space remains open and undeveloped the impacts to it on balance are deemed acceptable.

In addition to this the provision of four two bedroom properties which are much needed in the village remain a considerable benefit along with the assessment with MBC conservation colleagues that the impact to views to the church and overall impacts to the conservation area are acceptable.

As such the proposal is recommended for approval as per the report along with the additional highway conditions.


The Ward Councillor, Cllr Chandlers comments were read out:

a) I have received numerous comments relating to the lack of emphasis given to both the Natural Environment & the Conservation Area in general, in the Committee Report.


b) The Church Field (the location for the proposed dwellings) is part of the natural environment of Bottesford, one of only two “windows” left with open views of the Grade 1 Listed Church, thought by many to be the finest church in Leicestershire, often referred to, as a mini Cathedral.  Whilst, l acknowledge that Church Field has lost its “protected open space listing” to now being designated as a “Green Area”, we surely have a duty to preserve our natural heritage.  It must be remembered that the Pack Horse Route to Grantham via Allington was routed alongside the River Devon from the Grade 1 Fleming’s Bridge during the 17th Century (1636), across what is now Station Road, up Beacon Hill, crossing land in the Parish of Muston on towards Allington.    There is no mention in the report of Beacon Hill and the Bottesford Beacon.  This is where three Planning Inspectors have passed judgement on three previous applications – two on the Church Field and one further application in the Station House garden before dismissing all three appeals on the grounds of that any further development would result in a more densely build-up appearance that would be harmful to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The views of the Church from Beacon Hill, irrespective of the season of the year, are quite stunning.


c) Bottesford has accepted its allocation of housing in the soon to be adopted Local Plan, with possibly 58 of that allocation granted outline permission this evening, this in addition to the 88 already granted outline permission in recent months to the north of the railway line.   The Bottesford Conservation Area costs not only public bodies but also private individuals substantial sums of money to keep up appearances. We must protect our heritage for future generations, and l am always heartened to see pupils from our local Secondary School doing field trips around the extensive Conservation Area which surrounds St. Mary’s Church.


(b)  Bob Bayman, on behalf of the Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Object to site

·         Adjacent to most used footpath in village

·         Adjoins conservation area

·         Treasured space

·         Rejected building on site previously

·         Corridor for wildlife


(c)  Don Pritchett, a supporter, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Loose redundant piece of grassland

·         No detriment to any view

·         Not a medieval site

·         No evidence of it being a treasured space

·         View of church is not lost

·         Policy to protect open spaces is contradictory to last application heard

·         Maintains considerable open space


The Planning Officer (GBA) stated that the levels were not considered to be of significant concern, and could be reduced to lessen the perceived height of the houses.


Cllr Baguley proposed to refuse the application as it is a very important setting with Bottesford Church, and conservation areas cannot keep being eroded. The development is an intrusion into the setting of a Grade 1 Church and conservation area, which would result in harm to the area. It is not justifiable by the benefits. It is contrary to the NPPF and enhancing a historic environment.


Cllr Higgins seconded the proposal to refuse as it forms an intrusion into an undeveloped area that forms an integral and important element of Bottesford, resulting in an adverse impact on its character. The proposals would be contrary to Policy OS1 and Policy EN6 of the emerging Local Plan. The harm is too much.


Cllr Baguley accepted this addition.


A Cllr stated that they support the application and asked the Planning Officer if the application went against the emerging Local Plan at all.


The Planning Officer (GBA) stated that it is supported by SS1 but heritage and character issues depend on the Committee’s judgement.


A Cllr stated that the area is significant and the land and setting should be kept as a window in the village.


A Cllr stated that the site is a gateway view of the church and that although the houses won’t impact heavily on the view, they will detract from it in some way.


A Cllr stated that the Council has a 7 and a half year land supply so there is no need to apply SS3 for 4 houses. The benefits do not outweigh the harm.


A Cllr stated that the detraction from the view is not significant; there is limited harm to the conservation area.


A vote was taken. 7 Members voted in favour of refusal, 3 Members voted against, and 1 Member abstained.


DETERMINATION: REFUSE, for the following reasons:


1. The proposed development would result in an intrusion into an undeveloped area that forms an integral and important element of the Bottesford Conservation area and setting of the Grade I St Mary's church. This would result in harm to the historic assets of the area, which is not justified by benefits accruing from the proposal. The development is therefore contrary to NPPF chapter 12 Conserving and enhancing the historic environment (paragraphs 132 and 134) and Policy EN13 of the emerging Melton Local Plan (Submission version October 2017).


2. The proposed development would result in an intrusion into an undeveloped area that forms and integral and important element of Bottesford, resulting in an adverse effect on its form and character. The proposals would therefore be contrary to Policy OS1 of the Adopted Melton Local Plan 1999 and Policy EN6 of the emerging Melton Local Plan (Submission version October 2017).


Supporting documents: