Agenda item


Burrough Road, Somerby


Applicant: Stimson Developments:- Mr T Stimson

Location: Field No 4564, Burrough Road, Somerby

Proposal: Residential development (outline)


(a)  The Planning Officer (JL) presented the report.


(b)  Howard Blakebrough, on behalf of the Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

·           Local Plan has significant weight and the site is reserved in the plan

·            Policy C1B

·           Requirement of 44 houses – 30 already approved plus 12 on Manor Lane. 42/44 houses already achieved

·           Requirement met and likely to be exceeded

·           Harmful effect on conservation area

·           Close proximity to listed vinery


A Cllr sought clarification that not only were there houses permitted on large sites bit also individual homes amounting to approximately 8.


Mr Blakebrough confirmed this and added that there are 11 individuals in Pickwell.


(c)  Ros Freeman, an objector, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Environmental reasons why Burrough Road was a reserved site

·         Level of mitigation at conservation area should be high

·         Negative impact on surroundings

·         Historic scene

·         Attractive landscape

·         No community support


(d)  Mike Sibthorp, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Favourable pre-application advice

·         Technical issues resolved

·         Development will not harm setting

·         Outline application so no numbers specified

·         Enhance sustainability

·         Dwellings could be limited to not exceed 10

·         Local Plan supports development of up to 10 dwellings


A Cllr asked for clarification on the number of dwellings as the application refers to 31 however 10 were mentioned.


Mr Sibthorp stated that the application is indicative and no number was supplied.


The Planning Officer (JL) stated that the application is outline and the layout is indicative only. The listed vinery was listed after the application was submitted. Concerns from Archaeology have been considered in the report.


A Cllr suggested the application should be deferred to confirm number of dwellings.


The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that the application could be limited to 10 dwellings. Policy SS2 applies and leads directly to Policy SS3 – service centres of rural hubs will accommodate housing through allocated sites and by encouraging small scale developments where it would enhance the sustainable community in accordance with Policy SS3. SS3 says that small developments will be acceptable where they provide housing which meets a proving local need as identified by substantiated evidence. There is no evidence that the application forms a specific need.


The Chair stated that the site is a reserved site and there is no reason to believe the other sites will not meet the need.


The Ward Cllr stated that Somerby needs 2 or 3 bed houses and affordable homes. If the scheme is reduced to 10 dwellings, this would reduce the number of any affordable homes. If the scheme was reduced to 10, there were no guarantees to secure any affordable housing or s106 commitments for the village.  Therefore no identified benefits.


Cllr Greenow proposed to refuse the application in line with the officer’s report.


Cllr Glancy seconded the proposal to refuse.


A vote was taken. 10 Members voted in favour of refusal and Cllr Higgins abstained.


DETERMINATION: REFUSE for the following reason:


The application site is a reserve allocation in the emerging Local Plan. In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, it is considered that there is still opportunity for the housing allocation of Somerby to be met prior within the plan period of the emerging Melton Local Plan (2011-2036) and it has not been demonstrated that there is no likelihood that allocated sites SOM1 and SOM2 would not be delivered. In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, it is considered that the proposed development would be contrary to Policy C1 (B) of the emerging Local Plan.

Supporting documents: