Agenda item

Update: 17/01325/REM

Update Report: Great Lane, Frisby on the Wreake


The Chair asked Members and Officers if they would continue at 9:30pm. All confirmed they were in favour of continuing.


Update Report: 17/01325/REM Great Lane, Frisby on the Wreake


(a)  The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services presented the report.


(b)  Charles Sercombe, on behalf of the Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

·       1 minor adjustment in comparison to 5 recommendations

·       Ignored views of neighbours and Parish Council

·       Over 47% 4 bed/larger properties

·       Shortage of small bed properties

·       Gateway entrance should blend in with current bungalows

·       Originally for 40 properties

·       48% increase in properties

·       Application should be deferred


A Cllr asked what is a priority to be addressed.


Mr Sercombe stated that all issues need addressing.


A Cllr asked if the developers have made an attempt to negotiate.


Mr Sercombe advised that they had not.


(c)  Bob Widdowson, an objector, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Developers have not addressed any issues

·         The development should be an asset, fully integrated, compatible and in keeping

·         Not the right houses or in the right place

·         Bungalows are in high demand but short supply


A Cllr asked what the objector’s priorities were and if they had met with the developers.


Mr Widdowson stated that the priority is the no. of houses and mix of dwellings. The attempts to meet with the developers were unsuccessful.


(d)  Cllr Edward Hutchison, the Ward Councillor, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Revisit housing type and mixture

·         Discussion should take place with developers and ward councillor

·         Developers became negative to further change

·         Better and fairer design needed


The Chair asked Members if they would suspend standing orders to allow the agent to speak. Cllr Higgins proposed this and was seconded by Cllr Holmes. All were in favour.


(e)  Sally Smith, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Parking for plots 9-11 has been rearranged to reduce no. of spaces

·         Parking has been moved further away from the boundary of existing properties on Great Lane, a distance of 9.5m

·         Planting along boundary to mitigate noise

·         Frontage is not imposing or overpowering on the street scene

·         Distances between existing and proposed are 34.5m at narrowest point

·         Play area overlooked by 26% of properties

·         Submitted drainage plan

·         Mitigated with land drain along northern boundary

·         Play area will be level and useable

·         Proposed no. of dwellings not defined

·         Design respects sites location and optimises use of land

·         Mix of bungalows agreed with housing officer

·         No. of bungalows increased to 4 to meet requests


A Cllr asked why no discussions had taken place with the Parish and residents.


Ms Smith stated that they met with the Parish Council and local residents before the application was submitted, and the provision of bungalows was added after listening to residents.


A Cllr asked if there was a reason houses could not be moved back.


Ms Smith stated that the houses had been moved away from the boundary.


A Cllr asked if the issue of single storey dwellings on Great Lane could be overcome.


Ms Smith stated that it could be revisited by the developers.


A Cllr stated that 5 reasons for deferral had been given and asked why 4 of those had been stonewalled.


Ms Smith stated that they had given reasons to justify the application.


The Chair sought clarification on whether there had been 8 bungalows reduced to 4, or 0 bungalows increased to 4.


Ms Smith stated that the indicative plan by the original owners showed 8 plans, but this was only outline. The initial scheme did not have any bungalows, however through consultation this was increased to 4.


Cllr Higgins proposed to defer the application to encourage further dialogue to take place and get it right.


Cllr Holmes seconded the proposal to defer.


The Chair suggested it is delegated to officers, the ward councillor and Parish Councillor to have a discussion.


A vote was taken and it was unanimously decided the application should be deferred.


DETERMINATION: DEFER to allow for further discussions between the applicants with the Ward Councillor and Parish Council (to be facilitated by officers)

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