Agenda item


Land North of Pasture Lane, Gaddesby


Applicant:     Fairyhill Ltd:- Robert Fionda

Location:      Land North of Pasture Lane, Gaddesby

Proposal:      Outline planning approval for 11 No. dwellings.


(a)  The Planning Officer (JL) presented the report and stated that:

No late items to report.

The application seeks outline permission to erect 11 dwellings. The application site is proposed allocated site GADD2 of the emerging Local Plan, which has a capacity for 11 dwellings. The application is for outline permission for access to be considered.

The recommendation is for the approval of the application, subject to conditions and a S106 agreement for provision for affordable housing and a contribution to Leicestershire County Council libraries.


(b)  Chris Shatford, an objector, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Unsuitable for development

·         Gypsum minerals consultation area

·         Grade 3A greenbelt land

·         Damaging to landscape

·         Negative effect on character of setting, typography and skyline

·         Limited opportunity to accommodate residential developments

·         Detrimental impact in terms of biodiversity and geodiversity

·         Great Crested Newts on site

·         Ridge and furrow land arrangement

·         Flood risk – heavy clay soil

·         Disconnected from village

·         Significant exacerbation problem in terms of Highways

·         Unsustainable roads

·         Traffic concerns

·         Lack of economic opportunity in village

·         School will be full in 3 years

·         No developer contributions


A Cllr asked how it can be predicted that the school will be full in 3 years.


Mr Shatford stated that reception and years 1 and 2 are already at capacity.


A Cllr stated that highways have raised no objections and asked why it was felt the roads are not sustainable.


Mr Shatford stated that the traffic volumes are considerable.


(c)  Ian Lowe, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Forms provision to meet housing need

·         Broad mix of house types

·         Sustainable growth

·         Highways, ecology and neighbours all considered

·         Access from Pasture Lane with fill visibility splays

·         Sufficient off street parking

·         Pond translocated to edge of development and enhanced

·         Wildlife corridor and trees retained

·         Bungalows included to the north west to reduce the mass of development


The Chair stated that bungalows in villages are welcomed; however as it is only an indicative plan he asked if this was definite and if it could be conditioned.


Mr Lowe stated that it is intended; however it would need to be discussed.


The Planning Officer stated that condition 9 deals with visibility splay and condition 10 relates to pedestrians. There were no objections from LCC Ecology, LLFA or Highways. There is no requirement for a contribution to education. Allocated site in the Local Plan. It is a rural hub and sustainable location. The impact on the landscape can be mitigated and the layout is only indicative.


A Cllr stated that the proposal benefits from affordable housing. 3 bed bungalows can be land hungry. There is a school and employment opportunities nearby, with good transport links.


A Cllr had concerns on drainage.


The Planning Officer stated that condition 11 related to surface water drainage.


Cllr Greenow proposed to permit the application as per the recommendation.


Cllr Botterill seconded the proposal to permit.


A Cllr asked which condition deals with the affordable housing.


The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that it was the 106 in the recommendation.


A vote was taken and it was unanimously decided that the application should be approved.


Determination: PERMIT, subject to:

a)                    The completion of an agreement under S106 for the following:


(i)         A contribution for Leicestershire County Council Libraries, as set out in the report above.

(ii)        The provision of affordable housing, including the quantity, tenure, house type/size and occupation criteria to ensure they are provided to meet identified local needs.


b) Conditions as set out in the report.


REASONS: Affordable housing provision remains one of the Council’s key priorities. This application presents some affordable housing that helps to meet identified local needs. Accordingly, the application presents a vehicle for the delivery of affordable housing of the appropriate quantity, in proportion with the development and of a type to support the local market housing needs. Gaddesby is considered to be a sustainable location having access to a primary education, village hall, public house and a bus service.  It is considered that these are material considerations that weigh in favour of the application. In addition to this, the application site forms GADD2, a proposed allocated site in the emerging Local Plan and will help to deliver housing in the Borough.


It is considered that balanced against the positive elements are the specific concerns raised in representations, particularly the development of the site from its green field state, the impact on the character of the rural village, highways concerns and ecological concerns.


It is considered that, on the balance of the issues, there are significant benefits accruing from the proposal when assessed as required under the guidance in the NPPF in terms of housing supply and affordable housing in particular, taking into account that the site is an Allocated site in the emerging Local Plan.  The balancing issues – development of a green field site and impact upon character and landscape are considered to be of limited harm.  This is because, in this location, the character of the site provides potential for sympathetic deign, careful landscaping, biodiversity and sustainable drainage opportunities, the site is also allocated for development in the submitted Melton Local Plan.


Applying the ‘test’ required by the NPPF that permission should be granted unless the impacts would “significantly and demonstrably” outweigh the benefits.


Supporting documents: