Agenda item


Scalford Court Nursing Home, Melton Road, Scalford


Applicant:     Scalford Court Care Home


Location:      Scalford Court Nursing Home, Melton Road, Scalford


Proposal:      Erection of a single storey 36 Bed Care Facility and 5 Extra Care Cottages


(a)       The Planning Officer (JL) stated that: Email has been received raising concerns in relation to the sewage and whether it can take on the extra capacity. Therefore it is proposed that an additional condition will be added to read: The development hereby permitted shall not commence until drainage plans for the disposal of foul sewage have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is first brought into use. Reason: To ensure that the development is provided with a satisfactory means of drainage as well as reduce the risk of creating or exacerbating a flooding problem and to minimise the risk of pollution.


Slight re-word to condition no 15: The cottages hereby permitted shall be occupied by residents of the care home (and their dependant or widow/widower) and shall not be severed from the care home and occupied as separate, market dwelling houses.


Application seeks full planning permission to erect a 36 bed extension to the nursing home and five extra care cottages. The proposal will result in the loss of some trees on site, however there are a number of trees which will be retained and views in/out of the site will not be affected. The trees will also provide a natural screen to the development. The development will allow for the extension of an existing business and would provide 36 full time and three part time jobs. Additionally it will provide a specialist type of housing which is in need in the Borough.


(b) Cllr Andrew Thorn, on behalf of Scalford Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         In principal they are in favour, however there is an environmental concern regarding sewage going in to a ditch.

·         Impermeable ground for this to soak away. During extreme weather events potential risk of polluted water and risk to farmland.


A Cllr commented that concerns should be allayed as the sewage has gone through treatment plants and will be tested.


Cllr Thorn responded that there have been reports of sewerage going in to the ditch.


(c)  Ms Akrigg, on behalf of the objectors, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Concerns for wildlife in the area and the mature woodland.

·         Increase in traffic and noise.

·         Limited bus services. Residents will be isolated.

·         Scale of the development will change the character of the area.

·         Increase in noise and light pollution.


(d)       Jeremy Lord, the applicant, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         We have been working with the council on this project and have covered all aspects and issues raised.

·         Facility demand is increasing. Offer an all inclusive support with the cottages providing a lighter care touch so help is on hand to residents who need more support.

·         Investors in people.

·         Increase employment. Increase to over 100 staff in the fullness of time.

·         Little increase in traffic as the residents don’t have transport and there are no restrictions on visiting times so there will be a gentle spread of visitors traffic.

·         Biodiversity would be better managed. Removing self set in trees in favour of sustainable ones.

·         Protected species survey which satisfied ecology.

·         Drainage has never failed on a test. The new upgrade would cover any upsurge.


The Planning Officer (JL) noted there was a proposed additional condition regarding the sewerage. There are no objections from the LLFA, Severn Trent Water, Ecology or Highways. There is a mini bus for residents to access facilities. There was an appeal decision for the previous extension to existing care . A condition will ensure the cottages are tied to the nursing home and not used as market properties.


Cllr Holmes, Ward Cllr for Scalford, proposed to permit the application and noted that these sort of facilities, especially with care houses are excellent. Concerns regarding sewerage but wants to see these put right. Also had concerns regarding access and egress .


The Chair advised that the access is not controlled by the applicants.


The Assistant Director for Strategic Planning And Regulatory Services confirmed that the access is being dealt with separately.


Cllr Posnett seconded the proposal and added that the condition regarding the bungalows should be strongly worded so they can’t go on the market at a later date. This type of facility is really needed within the town.


A Cllr wanted to ensure that the extra condition regarding foul sewerage was in place.


The Chair added that it is the duty of the applicant not make a situation worse. There is room to make it better and he urged the developer to do everything they can to reassure us.


The Planning Officer (JL) confirmed that the recommended extra condition regarding sewerage disposal and the adjustment of condition 15 regarding the cottages would be added.


A vote was taken. The Members voted unanimously to permit the application.


Determination: PERMIT subject to the conditions as set out in the report and the following additions/adjustment:


(i)            Additional condition: The development hereby permitted shall not commence until drainage plans for the disposal of foul sewage have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is first brought into use. Reason: To ensure that the development is provided with a satisfactory means of drainage as well as reduce the risk of creating or exacerbating a flooding problem and to minimise the risk of pollution.


(i)            Amend condition no 15 to read: The cottages hereby permitted shall be occupied by residents of the care home (and their dependant or widow/widower) and shall not be severed from the care home and occupied as separate, market dwelling houses.


Reasons: It is considered that on balance, although the proposed development would not accord with the Saved Local Plan, the proposal would provide a type of accommodation which has been identified as in need in the Borough. Whilst the proposed development would result in a loss of a number of protected trees, it is considered that a sufficient number of trees will be retained on the site following the development. The trees proposed to be retained will provide natural screening to the development and therefore is not considered to have a detrimental impact on the appearance of the open countryside. Whilst the application site is not located within a village and there will be some reliance on the car to access the site, the existing use of the site and previous appeal decision need to be taken into account.


It is considered that the proposed development is complaint with the emerging Local Plan and the policies contained within the NPPF and there are no material considerations which would justify the refusal of the application.




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