Agenda item

Budget Monitoring April to June 2018

The Director for Corporate Services to submit a report to provide information on actual expenditure and income incurred compared to the latest approved budget for the period 1st April 2018 to 30th June 2018. The report reflects the new Committee structure and provides detail for all Committees.


The Director for Corporate Services submitted a report that provided information on actual expenditure and income incurred compared to the latest approved budget for the period 1st April 2018 to 30th June 2018. The report reflected the new committee structure and provided detail for all items including those approved under delegated authority that are required to be reported and a summary position on reserves and balances resulting from these approvals. It was suggested that the wording to recommendation 2.3 to be amended to replace “that” with “the amount”.


The Director for Corporate Services advised that the financial position for the year had proved challenging and it had not been possible to meet the additional commitment previously approved by members to support the Corporate delivery Plan from underspends elsewhere. Also the Corporate Priorities Reserve has been utilised to fund one off costs arising from changes to the establishment with regard to the Corporate Improvement Team and Payroll. It was advised that there was a slight change to the report in that the payroll change whilst needing to draw on the reserves did not require delegation of the Chief Executive as this staffing implication had been previously reported and approve by Full Council earlier in the year.


A member advised caution with regard to the balance of the Corporate Priorities Reserve which will fall over the year and that spending should only be approved by this Committee.


The key challenges and issues for those variances over £10k were highlighted as at 3.6 of the report. The financial impact of these variances and approvals is for an estimated overspend on General Expenses of £7k and a balanced budget for Special Expenses MM. The HRA is indicating an underspend of £15k based on Quarter 1 monitoring.

A larger print version of Appendix D was circulated at the meeting for members’ ease. This showed the effect of the reserves and balances with the key changes reported at 3.10.


The Director for Corporate Services advised that a separate fees and charges report would normally come to this committee for approval but with the changes to the committee structure for this year there are very few falling within this committee’s remit. The fees and charges have all been approved under delegation being in line with inflation. The first draft of next year’s budget will be reported to the Corporate Committee meeting scheduled for November 2018.


A member mentioned the new waste contract and the need for advertising and informing the public as to what is acceptable for recycling. Members were advised that contamination is a problem and some measures are being proposed to deal with the issue. This will be discussed in more detail at the Place Committee.


The Chief Executive advised members that preparations are being made for the 2018/19 winter season with regard to council dwellings to ensure that  plumbing/electrical maintenance has been ongoing in readiness for severe weather and to mitigate the impact to residents.


The Chair moved the recommendations noting the amendment to 2.3 and Councillor de Burle seconded.

All members were unanimously in favour.


Resolved that

1)     The financial position for all services to 30 June 2018 and year end forecast be noted.

2)     Members approved the use of Corporate Priorities Reserve to fund the   Supplementary Estimates totalling £80k previously agreed as outlined in para 3.5.

3)     Members noted the delegation exercised by the Chief Executive and the amount estimated to be used from the Corporate Priorities Reserve to fund costs associated with agreed restructures as outlined in para 3.5.

4)     Members approved the use of £5,000 from the Parkside budget to undertake a space planning exercise of the building to support the council’s asset maximisation ambitions.

5)     The virements approved under delegated powers (para. 3.8 refers) be noted.

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