Agenda item


Field 6967, Grantham Road, Bottesford


Applicant:     Penland Estates Ltd

Location:      Field 6967, Grantham Road, Bottesford

Proposal:     Residential development for up to 60 dwellings with access from Grantham Road and associated drainage infrastructure and public open space.


(a)  The Development Manager (LP) presented the report and stated that:

The application seeks outline planning permission for up to 60 dwellings with only details of access being considered at this stage, all other details are to be considered at Reserved Matters stage.

The application form part of the proposed allocated site BOT2 in the emerging Local Plan along with the recently permitted 17/01577/OUT, discussions with the agent have confirmed that as per the second part of the allocation a link can be provided between the two sites and members are encouraged within the report to consider whether this should be conditioned accordingly.

It should also be noted by members as per the report that the capacity number given in the emerging Local Plan is an estimated number only and is not a fixed amount, a minimum nor a maximum.  The indicative layout shows how the 60 dwellings could satisfactorily be accommodated on the site.

Since the publishing of the report, Archaeology comments have been received from the County Council who raise no objections to the proposal following on from the additional information received.

There are no further updates to the report and the application is recommended for approval subject to Section 106 requirements and conditions as set out in the report.


(b)  Cllr Chandler, the Ward Cllr, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Affordable housing included

·         No traffic concerns

·         106 payment is acceptable

·         Poor quality pasture land

·         Ragwort present but can be treated

·         Station improvements welcome


A Cllr asked if the contribution to health services was requested by the LPA, the NHS, or the local CCG.


The Development Manager confirmed that NHS England requested the s106 contribution.


The Chair asked Members if they would suspend standing orders to allow the agent, who arrived late, to speak. All Members were in favour.


(c)  Andrew Gore, the agent, was invited the speak and stated that:

·         Allocated site in the Local Plan

·         No technical issues

·         No objection from consultees

·         Layout informed through meetings with Bottesford Parish Council and Bottesford Neighbourhood Plan steering group

·         Respects Local Plan policy

·         Pedestrian connectivity between 2 sites by condition


A Cllr noted that there was no play area included and that it is Council Policy for a development of this size to include a play area.


Mr Gore stated that it is an outline application and therefore flexible. A public open space is provided and a play area could be included, however the Davidson’s site nearby does have a playground.


A Cllr stated that there was no condition for pedestrian connectivity.


The Development Manager advised that the report leaves this up to the Members to decide.


A Cllr asked how many houses there are to the acre.


Mr Gore stated that the layout shows slightly less than 60. An upper limit had been set to allow flexibility. He advised there are 30 dwellings per hectare.


A Cllr had concerns about the junction to the 52.


Mr Gore stated that there was no objection from Highways.


The Chair asked for assurance that the developers will honour the percentage of affordable houses.


Mr Gore stated that the 106 has been signed on this basis and is viable.


A Cllr stated that they would like to see open space between houses and upon entrance to the site.


The Chair stated that a spacious buffer had been created at the back of the site, therefore the development needed to be further forward.


A Cllr asked if there could be a vehicular link between the two sites.


The Development Manager stated that both applications are outline with access so there is no restriction as present and can be conditioned.


A Cllr stated that the S106 contribution is modest and affordable housing should be insisted upon.


The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services advised that affordable housing could be conditioned, contingent on S106.


Cllr Rhodes proposed to permit the application with the condition of level of affordable housing as in report.


Cllr Holmes seconded the proposal with the inclusion of improvements made to the junction to the 52 as it is dangerous.


The Chair advised that this is Highways responsibility. Cllr Holmes was still happy to second the proposal.


A Cllr asked if a condition could be added to vehicular and pedestrian link the 2 sites.


The proposer and seconder were happy to include both.


A vote was taken. It was unanimously decided that the application should be permitted.



In conclusion it is considered that, on the balance of the issues, there are significant benefits accruing from the proposal when assessed as required under the guidance in the NPPF in terms of housing supply and affordable housing in particular. 

The balancing issues – development of a green field site and impact upon character are considered to be of limited harm. 

This is because, in this location, the character of the site provides potential for sympathetic deign, careful landscaping, biodiversity and sustainable drainage opportunities, the site is also allocated for development in the submitted Melton Local Plan.


Supporting documents: