Agenda item




 Land Adj to No 11 and 13 Paradise Lane, Old Dalby




Applicant:           Mr J Orson

Location:             Land Adj To No 11 And 13, Paradise Lane, Old Dalby

Proposal:             Erection of a single dwelling

                (a) The Planning Officer (GBA) stated that:

This is a full application for the erection of one new dwelling on land west of number 11 Paradise Lane, Old Dalby within the village conservation area.

The proposal is for a four bedroom property (not three as per the published report) which is recognised as larger scheme but is befitting of the site characteristics and land it is sited on. There is also still a need for houses of this bedroom requirement as stated in the Melton housing needs survey.

Matters for consideration are the design of the scheme within the context of the conservation area which according to our conservation officer are acceptable on accounts that the proposal will not look out place within the varying house types along the road.

Further conditions on materials have been imposed to ensure the finished proposal responds well to local areas characteristics.

Being a new dwelling in what is a rural hub category for the purposes of the local plan and therefore a sustainable location the principle is acceptable.

Matters of design and amenity have been fully assessed and also viewed as according to D1 which covers these topics.

There is adequate off street parking proposed and therefore is recommended for approval.

                (b) Cllr Duncan Bennet, a Parish Cllr was invited to speak and stated that:

  • The majority of the Parish Council had concerns about the size and style
  • Expressed in his own personal opinion, it was in keeping
  • Slightly larger than the proposed building planning permission was obtained for.


A Cllr asked if they had any concerns about the roofing material, specifically the zinc cladding.

Cllr Bennet responded no.

A Cllr asked whether the majority of the Parish Council were concerned about the size. And queried whether she was speaking for himself or for the Parish Council.

Cllr Bennet confirmed this was raised as an opinion of the Parish Council.

A Cllr stated they thought the plans were fine and queried whether there were any similar buildings in the conservation area?

Cllr Bennet stated that Old Dalby has a subjective conservation area.  A broader view needed to be taken. It’s not offending the rules of conservation areas.

                (c) Nick Cooper, the Agent was invited to speak and stated that:

  • Consistent with the directives of the newly adopted Local Plan.
  • Design takes note of a variety of building materials.
  • Materials are reflective of local area.
  • Dwelling will be 2 building liked via a stone wall.
  • There will be quality detailing controlled by conditions set.


The Chair questioned whether he was right to assume the zinc section is the main apex? Or would it all dark style tiling?

Mr Cooper clarified that the 2 storey building had zinc detailing. The outbuilding was traditional with slate.

The Chair asked if the material would be bright.

Mr Cooper informed The Chair that it would not be bright and samples would be provided.

A Cllr asked if zinc was environmentally friendly.

Mr Cooper stated he was unsure.

The Chair explained that it would be zinc coated steel. It would be a protective coating that is no more environmentally unsound than steel.

A Cllr questioned how it would weather and if it would change colour.

Mr Cooper explained it will go darker over time and samples would be provided for approval.

The Chair added that it will lose its shine.

The Planning Officer stated that, with regards to the conservation area, it will add to the diverse house type already along that road.

A Cllr expressed concerns that the building looked high and it looked quite close to the vicarage. They asked what percentage of the site it covers. They stated they don’t object to the design, just concerned it may overshadow the houses either side.

The Planning Officer confirmed the building is 6.2m high.

The Chair added that the higher part of the property is not the nearest part to the neighbouring property.

A Cllr queried whether the consultation responses reflected the fact it was a 4 bed rather than 3 (as written in error in report). Particularly regarding parking and housing mix.

The Planning Officer clarified that the application was assessed as a 4 bed. The plans shows a 4 bed and is suitable for highways as there are 3 parking spaces, and access is suitable. There is to be a double garage and an additional space on the driveway.

A Cllr asked again about the housing need.

The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated the Housing Policy C2 only clicks in at an application of 10 or more houses.

A Cllr made reference to the removal of mature trees and questioned if they had to be removed, and if so are there plans to replace what gets removed.

Mr Cooper confirmed the trees do need to be removed. Suggested the applicant would be happy to add if required as a condition.

A Cllr queried the life expectancy of the building.

The Planning Officer took reference from a roofing company online, and stated up to 100 years.

Cllr Rhodes proposed to permit the application. Subject to the conditions being met.

Cllr Greenow seconded the proposal.

The Chair queried if the condition mentioned is the replacement tree planting. Contributing to landscaping elsewhere.

Cllr Rhodes agreed, and stated that was practical

Cllr Greenow questioned whether that could be done.

Cllr Rhodes made reference to similar arrangements made in previous applications.

The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that at the moment, they were unable to answer at the moment. May need to be a variant of the condition for now.

The Chair agreed that was fine.

A Vote was taken. 9 Members agreed to permit the application. 1 member abstained from the vote.

Permission granted.

Determination: It is considered that on balance, the proposed dwelling will contribute to the development of housing in what is a sustainable village of Old Dalby owing to its ‘Rural Hub’ status within the Melton Local Plan. The scheme is within Old Dalby and within the Neighbourhood Plan limits where there is an overall support for building for residential purposes.

It is considered that the proposed development is complaint with the Local Plan and the policies contained within the NPPF and there are no material considerations which would justify the refusal of the application.


Supporting documents: