Agenda item




 North Lodge Farm, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby




Applicant:           Mr J Orson

Location:             North Lodge Farm, Longcliff Hill, Old Dalby

Proposal:             Conversion of existing brick and tile building to form one dwelling and associated garden and parking area.

                (a) The Planning Officer (GBA) stated that:

This is a full application for the change of use of an existing agricultural building at North Lodge Farm, Longcliff Hill again in Old Dalby. This scheme however is not in the conservation area.

The proposal is for a two bedroom property and seeks to add various openings to make it function as a dwelling house.

Two parking spaces have been provided for this new dwelling and there is also an additional two spaces for the residents of North Lodge Farm.

Matters for consideration are the design of the scheme which through a comprehensive officer assessment has been viewed as acceptable on accounts that the proposal is predominately a conversion with the rural appearance of the dwelling maintained. It is also set back well of the highway and therefore within the overall ‘street scene’ should not have a significant impact. A full assessment has also been made in terms of ensuring the rooms are of a suitable size according to the technical space standards guidelines which are acceptable.

As before, being a new dwelling in what is a rural hub category for the purposes of the local plan and therefore a sustainable location the principle is acceptable.

Further benefits of this being a conversion and therefore using the existing redundant buildings on site provides further sustainable benefits.

Matters of design and amenity have been fully assessed and also viewed as according to D1 which covers these topics.

There is adequate off street parking proposed and therefore is recommended for approval.

                (b) Cllr Duncan Bennet, Parish Cllr was invited to speak and stated that:

  • Very worried about the confluence of the small track. There was already approval for 30 plus houses.
  • Whole area was subject of a survey in relation to another application. This gets rid of any worries about traffic the Parish Council had
  • Concerned how previously nearby 1 dwelling had turned into 5 under general development.


A Cllr asked why the Parish Council had not had the opportunity to speak on the previous application.

Cllr Bennet explained that it came under general development which is considered not needed to come before Parish Council

The Chair ruled to move on, as they were entering debate about an application not on the agenda.

                (c) Maurice Fairhurst, The Agent is invited to speak and stated that:

  • Small agricultural barn, accessed by track. Not visually prominent.
  • Benefits to the village, residents and environment as it will add to housing supply and there will be no more agricultural vehicles being used.
  • 2 bed dwelling, won’t affect anybody else.
  • Improve appearance of existing barn.
  • Better use for existing building in line with attest NPPF objectives.
  • Sustainable development in line with the Local Plan and NPPF.
  • No harmful impacts raised.

A Cllr questioned whether the exiting barn door would be the only door and would windows be added. They also asked for clarification on what the barn is currently used for.

Mr Fairhurst explained the barn was used for the storage of agricultural implements. With regards to windows and doors the design tries to make advantage of the existing openings. Similar materials to that of the barn will be used in the conversion.

Cllr Greenow proposed to permit the application. He saw no reason to refuse.

Cllr Faulkner seconded the proposal.

A vote was taken. 8 members voted to permit the application. 1 voted to abstain.

At 7.20pm Cllr Holmes left the meeting and did not participate in the vote.

Application Approved.

Determination: It is considered that on balance, the proposed dwelling will contribute to the development of housing in what is a sustainable village of Old Dalby owing to its ‘Rural Hub’ status within the Melton Local Plan. The scheme is reasonably well connected to Old Dalby and within the neighbourhood plan there is an overall support for conversions of agricultural buildings for residential purposes. Being also an existing agricultural building it is considered that the change of use will not impact upon the local area character and be overall sensitive to the area setting.

It is considered that the proposed development is complaint with the Local Plan and the policies contained within the NPPF. There are no material considerations present which it is considered would justify a departure from the Development Plan.


Supporting documents: