Agenda item


Grange Farm House, Harby Lane, Hose


Applicant:     Stroud And Son - George Stroud

Location:      Grange Farm House, Harby Lane, Hose

Proposal:      Proposed Residential Development for 35 Houses.


(a) The Development Manager (LP) stated that:

Members will recall that the application was deferred at the meeting of 15th November 2018 in order to invite the submission of an amended red line plan, as the ‘red line’ plan submitted did not accord with the site allocation plan in the Local Plan. 

The Parish Council has also made a Section 106 contribution request in relation to play equipment which is to be located in the village park adjacent to the primary school.  There has also been additional information submitted in relation to Long Clawson surgery which demonstrates compliance with the CIL Regulations and the request can be legitimately including is a Section 106 agreement.

Following the deferral a revised plan has been submitted.   The plan remains as a slight variation from the site allocation due to the current access point being included.  It is considered that the additional area could not be developed as it forms an existing access road to Hose Grange.

It is considered that the minimal variation from the site allocation is acceptable and the proposal is recommended for approval subject to conditions and updated section 106 contributions as set out in the report.


              (b) Maurice Fairhurst, Agent to the Applicant was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Northern boundary was the only concern previously. Since then, amended plans have been submitted.

·         Application boundary follows the allocation apart from the access onto Harby Lane.

·         Highways would like one entrance for both the farm and housing development.

·         All matters reserved apart from access.


A Cllr queried whether the issues relating to access had been advised to Cllrs previously.


Mr Fairhurst confirmed it was, and that the problem was that the northern boundary extended too far. He explained it wasn’t on the proposal until Highway suggested that access.


A Cllr asked whether the report had changed since the last meeting.


The Chair confirmed that it remained the same.


A Cllr questioned talk of the s106 in the previous meeting regarding play equipment.


Mr Fairhurst replied the applicant was happy to provide the play area but wasn’t sure about whether it’d be equipped as they’d had a request from the Parish Council to contribute to existing play area.

Cllr Rhodes stated that had there not been a defect in the last committee, he would’ve recommended to permit, and was happy to propose.


Cllr Baguley seconded.


A Cllr questioned whether a play are could be conditioned in line with policy.


The Chair asked Cllr Rhodes if he was happy to include.


Cllr Rhodes disagreed. He reiterated that the Parish Council had requested money for the play area in accordance with what people wanted.


The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated it was either solution, depending on discretion.


A vote was taken. 9 Members voted to permit. 1 Member voted to abstain.


Application approved.


Determination: The site is allocated for development in the adopted Melton Local Plan. The application is in outline and demonstrates how this allocation can be fulfilled, including the site specific criteria applied by the Plan.  No material considerations are present which indicate the decision should depart form the development plan.


Supporting documents: