The Director for Corporate Services to submit a report to outline the key budget issues that will be going forward to the Council’s budget setting meeting on 13 February 2019 and provide the opportunity for Members to comment on these in advance of the meeting.
The Director for Corporate Services
(a) submitted a report (copies of which had been circulated to Members) outlining the key budget issues that would be going forward to the Council’s budget setting meeting on 13 February 2019 and providing the opportunity for Members to comment on these in advance of the meeting;
(b) highlighted that the report brought together a number of issues which had been discussed at the Member Away Day. Concerning the general expenses revenue budget, the proposal from the Away Day was for an overall council tax increase of 2.99%, to keep within the referendum limit, which for district councils was the higher of £5 or 3%;
(c) advised that the finance settlement remained provisional. Savings of £66,100 were proposed, as detailed at Appendix A of the report. Appendix B detailed the growth for general expenses of a net ongoing of £51,800 and non recurring, to be funded from reserves of £18k;
(d) confirmed that following the Away Day and the drafting of this report, the figures had been refined and result in a deficit of £50k for 2019/20, which would need to be met from reserves. No proposals were put forward with regard to special expenses;
(e) highlighted that proposals for General Expenses and the source of funding were set out at Appendix C of the report. No proposals were put forward in respect of special expenses. This was a modest programme. The main funding sources were external or use of earmarked reserves and it was proposed that only £29k come from capital receipts;
(f) advised that there were two pipeline schemes, which would need to be submitted for Member consideration of funding when further work had been undertaken. These related to the replacement finance system and the customer centric systems. Once the work had been undertaken, it would become clear if these were revenue or capital projects;
(g) highlighted that the HRA programme, as presented to Place Committee and in line with the Home Affordable Modification Programme (HAMP) was detailed at Appendix D of the report. The virement and budget reductions, which had been approved under delegation and were required to be reported to this Committee for noting were detailed at Appendices E and F of the report.
(h) confirmed that Member comments would be incorporated into the report to be submitted to Council.
A member queried the spending on repair work to the bridge on Asfordby Road and the Director for Corporate Services advised that this was not proposed for 2020 but would form part of future spending in the rolling programme of works for the Capital Programme. A surveyor would asses the bridge prior to commencement of works and it would be routinely checked for health and safety purposes.
Members expressed concern about the proposed reduction of officer support for the Council’s Mayoral role, as detailed at Appendix A of the report. They highlighted the significance of Mayoral and Council involvement and participation in events such as Holocaust Memorial Day, St Mary’s Christmas Tree Festival and visits to schools within the borough.
A Member advised that the Conservative Group had agreed responsibility for the provision of a Christmas tree for next years Christmas Tree Festival. If elected, the Member would make arrangements with other Members to facilitate this.
The Director for Legal and Democratic Services reassured Members that the Council’s aim was not to end Mayoral involvement in any of these important events and visits. The aim was to generate the savings identified within the Democratic Services Directorate. Any future Mayor could continue their duties as they wished but without dedicated officer support.
The Chief Executive added that the Council was grappling with high risk funding issues. It recognised the value of the Mayoral role and did not want to detract from this but had to identify and implement savings where possible. He reiterated that it was proposed to remove dedicated support, reducing officer workload but support from the Democratic Services team would be available.
A Member highlighted the Melton Country Park Masterplan Scheme, as detailed at Appendix C of the report, asking for details of the £27k Section 106 funding. The Chair asked officers to look into this query and provide the Member with a response directly.
There being no further comments or questions from Members, Councillor Higgins moved the recommendations and Councillor Glancy seconded.
(1) the comments provided by Members on the revenue and capital budget proposals be submitted to the Council meeting on 13 February 2019;
(2) the virements approved under delegated powers be noted;
(3) the budget reductions approved under delegated powers be noted.
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