Agenda item


The Deputy Chief Executive to submit a report which asks the Council to consider:


(1)   a number of proposed changes for discretionary aspects that impact upon charging for council tax in respect of unoccupied properties following a period of consultation; and


(2)  a proposal for council tax relief in respect of Care Leavers and to consider the development of a Care Leavers Policy.



(Councillors Chandler, Holmes, Orson, Rhodes and Simpson here left the meeting due to their pecuniary interests declared at Minute CO58.)


(Deputy Mayor in the Chair.)


In a report previously circulated, the Deputy Chief Executive requested the Council to consider a number of proposed changes for discretionary aspects that impact upon charging for council tax in respect of unoccupied properties following a period of consultation, and also to consider a proposal for council tax relief in respect of Care Leavers and to consider the development of a Care Leavers Policy.


Councillor de Burle stated that the report was about the use of discretionary powers, firstly in respect of empty properties and secondly to exempt care leavers from council tax up to the age of 25.  The Council had used the empty homes discretions available since 2013. In 2018 further legislation was introduced that gave the Council the opportunity to review these discretions.  He considered all were aware of the negative effect that empty properties could have on any area.  Empty homes that were left empty for too long contributed to the overall pressures on housing and could be a blight on communities. There was national evidence that the proposals in the report could have a positive impact on the number of empty properties.  The Council was also proposing the development of an empty homes policy to look at what else could be done to expedite the return of uninhabitable properties back into occupation.  He moved the recommendations in the report.


Councillor Pearson seconded the motion and added that empty homes put pressure on the housing stock. 


It was suggested by a Councillor that Councillors should be vigilant in looking out for empty homes on their wards and reporting these to ensure there were no long-term vacancies.


Also on being commercially minded a Councillor mentioned that it was often cheaper to renovate than to build new therefore when properties came to the market, the Council should consider whether it was interested. 


On being put to the vote, the motion was unanimously carried.




(1)  the current 100% discount for the first month for Class C properties be removed with effect from 1 April 2019 be approved;


(2)  Council Tax Empty Home Premium charges be applied to properties that have remained empty and unfurnished, as shown below :-


100% extra (for properties empty for 2-5 years) from 1st April 2019

200% extra (for properties empty for 5-10 years) from 1st April 2020

300% extra (for properties empty for 10+ years) from 1st April 2021


(3)  an Empty Homes policy with a particular focus on homes that are uninhabitable be developed and which includes the use of Class D Council Tax Discount, the Empty Homes Premium as well as any other appropriate council services be approved;


(4)  care leavers be exempted from paying 100% council tax up until the age of 25 with effect from 1 April 2019;


(5)  delegation is granted to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services to finalise of the Care Leavers policy, together with any subsequent amendments and the signing of the relevant Memorandum of Understanding.


(Councillors Chandler, Holmes, Orson, Rhodes and Simpson here re-entered the meeting.)


(Mayor in the Chair.)

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