Agenda item



The Leader stated that


(a)  since the last Council meeting, the Council had been implementing the decisions taken as part of setting the budget in February. Following the reduction in the civic budget, the new Democratic Services structure was now in place and the new Mayoral calendar was being developed for the coming year. Discussions were ongoing with the Citizens’ Advice Bureau regarding their future delivery model and the Council had confirmed the final year of funding to Bottesford Youth Club. The Council had also commenced its wider review of community grants. It was disappointing that the Melton Learning Hub had withdrawn from running the café at the Country Park but he  was pleased that they had moved quickly to enable Melton Space to take over the running of the facility in the short term and the Council would be commissioning a full procurement process in the coming months to identify a long term partner. The Council’s aim was to both maximise the availability of the facility to the community whilst minimising ongoing costs to the Council. The Council had also secured the ongoing provision of public toilets at the Country Park during this transition period and the second set of toilets opened on Wilton Road a few weeks ago;


(b)  the end of March represented another important moment for Melton as two significant bids were submitted to government. The County Council submitted the Housing Infrastructure Fund bid for the southern section of the road and Melton continued to work with County colleagues to find a suitable method for managing the funding risks associated with the scheme. The Council also submitted its bid to the Future High Street Fund seeking to access some of the £675m Government had allocated to transforming town centres across the country. Over 300 bids had been received by Government, highlighting what a competitive process this would be, but the Council had submitted a strong bid and was hopeful of a positive outcome;


(c)   with growth such a key priority, the Council continued to focus on ensuring the Planning Service provided the best possible support to sustainable development. Following a review of the service, the Corporate Committee recently approved additional resources to help manage the implementation plan and over the summer a new structure and long term resourcing plan would be developed to make this possible.  He referred to of a new set of procedure rules for the Planning Committee, developed through the review and with Members of that Committee which were being proposed for adoption later in the meeting. This too would ensure a far smarter and disciplined approach to conducting planning business and would provide the first visible signal of our intentions to change and improve in this area;


(d)  later in the meeting the Council would also consider the final set of constitutional documents for adoption.  Since its decision to move to new governance arrangements taken last November there had been a tremendous amount of work undertaken to re-write and streamline the constitution. The Council approved the first set of documents in February and later in the meeting the Council would need to ratify the final set of documents which would complete the Constitution for the new Council in May.  He paid particular tribute to Adele Wylie for the considerable amount of work she had done to develop these documents, as well as Members within the Governance Development Group, Governance Committee and Planning Committee, all of whom had helped shape and develop the documents before the Council.  The Constitution would always need to be a living document and he was sure further updates and refinements would be necessary over the coming months but he was also very confident that the new procedures would better support the Council’s aims to become more commercial and agile, as well as to ensure there was clearer accountability and transparency for decision-making in the future. He hoped all Members would join him in supporting the proposals later in the meeting;


(e)  he paid tribute to and thanked the Members who were not standing for election in May and spoke briefly about the roles held by each of the 8 Councillors who were standing down as listed in the Mayor’s announcements at Minute CO90 above.