Agenda item


Fair Farm, 33 Melton Road, Waltham on the Wolds


Applicant:     Miss Sally Smith

Location:      Fair Farm, 33 Melton Road, Waltham On The Wolds

Proposal:      Approval of reserved matters application for the erection of 60 new dwellings including new access, public open space, landscaping, play area and associated infrastructure


(a) The Planning Officer (LP) stated that:

The application before you is a reserved matters appliciaton which considers the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of the 60 dwellings proposed.

Concern has been raised with regards to infrastructure and drainage however these have been considered at the outline stage of the application where the prinicpal of devleoment was aproved, and I would like to remind members of the Waltham planning committee whereby common issues such as drainage was considered and debated and thereby approval of the outline granted with that in mind condition 7 of the recommendation will need to be removed from any decision made.

There have been amendements to the scheme which has included more matierals and designs considered appropriate for the village of Waltham. Having regard to the fact that the proposal is an allocated site and brings forward a reaosnalbe mixture of housing contribuing to identified needs and providing the requsitie number of affordable homes along with a layout which takes advantage of views over landscape or public space the proposal is considered to complie with the provisions of the NPPF, the Melton Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan and is recommended for approval.


(b) Cllr Lusty, on behalf of Waltham on the Wolds Parish Council was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Waltham on the Wolds is a unique and attractive village. References the Neighbourhood Plan Policy H6, regarding high quality design/form in keeping with the local vernacular.

·         Pleased the legitimacy has been acknowledged by applicant but the changes are insufficient.

·         Applicant has introduced stone construction, but not enough as currently it is 12% with partial stonework.

·         10 out of 60 have chimneys and the street scene is regimented.

·         Affordable housing is unevenly distributed and doesn’t comply. A more creative solution is needed.

·         Does not comply with the Neighbourhood Plan.

A Cllr questioned whether the neighbourhood plan stated a specific percentage in terms of stone construction.


Cllr Lusty replied no, but it is 49% on another nearby development.


A Cllr queried the status of the nearby development.


Cllr Lusty confirmed that is under construction.


A Cllr queried the village percentage in terms of stone construction.


The Chair stated that the village is approx. 35%. Very few have no stone.


A Cllr asked Cllr Lusty what figure would be significant.


Cllr Lusty replied 50% is significant.


(c) Mr Kevin Rolling, an Objector was invited to speak and stated that:

·                He agreed with Cllr Lusty

·                This would be chipping away at a Plan and once this had been done, it opens up a chip at legislation it lessen its intent.

·                Should be stone around the edges of the development.

·                Social houses should be inclusive.

(d) Sally Smith, Agent to the Applicant was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Plans are a culmination of extensive discussions with Planning Officers, The Parish Council and Neighbourhood Plan Group and they have sought to address concerns raised through representations.

·         Will contribute to 5 year housing land supply.

·         Identifies need in local area and houses meet the need of the community.

·         Offers area of play.

·         Improvement to access.

·         In keeping with the surrounding area.

·         Includes stonework and chimneys on prominent plots.

·         Bungalows for the identified aging population.

A Cllr questioned the costings for a building to be stone clad.


Miss Smith replied that she didn’t know.


A Cllr asked whether they were hoping for a decision to be made during the meeting and mentioned going away to talk with the Parish Council.


Miss Smith referred to the OUT decision.


A Cllr stated that this should be a rural development not an urban development as Waltham on the Wolds is an Ironstone village. They also expressed concerns about facilities.


A Cllr asked whether there would be any hope of increasing the amount of stone construction.

Miss Smith stated that they would be prepared to negotiate.


A Cllr stated that members have a duty to encourage good design and that this didn’t fit well.


The Chair asked if they would be open to further dialogue regarding the issues raised.


Miss Smith replied yes.


The Development Manager stated that the site borders a neighbouring development with a higher quantity of stone. There is a condition on the OUT regarding details of materials to be submitted and if members are concerned then further discussions could be had when the DIS is conditioned.


The Chair stated that the condition doesn’t solve how much stone. It needed to be appropriate. 6% is not reflective of the area.


Cllr Greenow proposed to defer to allow the Parish Council, Ward Cllr, Officers, Chair of the Planning Committee and Applicant to reconsider; the number of properties of stone or partial stone construction. And the number of properties with chimneys to bring the application more into line with the Parish Council’s desires and the existing mix within the village of Waltham on the Wolds.


The Chair stated there needed to be more debate before doing so.

Cllr Glancy seconded the motion, stating the homes needed to fit in better and would encourage further discussion.


A Cllr added that the first house when entering the village is stone.


A Cllr agreed and stated that the development should follow the neighbouring development where stone construction is 49%. They suggested the plans needed looking at again and the character needed to be kept.


A Cllr asked whether the design could be a condition rather than a deferral.


The Chair stated that they would need to prescribe it.


A Cllr added that they have a responsibility and suggested that asking for changes would make the buildings look better and in years to come.


A Cllr stated that they have to be careful not to over prescribe but agreed people shouldn’t be boxed into one corner in terms of the affordable housing.


The Chair asked if the offer to defer still stood.


Cllr Greenow agreed and again, listed those who would need to attend a meeting.


A vote was taken. Members voted unanimously to defer the application


Determination: The application was deferred to allow for a meeting with the Parish Council, Ward Member, Chair of the Planning Committee, Development Manager and Applicant in order to consider the amount of stone and chimneys within the proposal.


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