Agenda item


King Edward VII Upper School, Burton Road, Melton Mowbray


Applicant:     Jelson Ltd:- Rob Thorley

Location:      King Edward VII Upper School, Burton Road, Melton Mowbray

Proposal:     Proposed construction of 120no. residential dwellings plus associated highway infrastructure and car parking provision. Reserved Matters to include Access, Appearance, Layout and Scale - Landscaping subject to subsequent separate application. (Outline application - 13/00877/OUT)


(a)  The Development Manager (LP) presented the report and stated that:

The application seeks approval of the reserved matters application following the granting of application 13/00877/OUT located for development of 12 dwellings as MEL2 within the adopted Local Plan.

Following on from committee site visits there are a number of updates,

The density of the development is 24 per hectare.

Materials have been conditioned to be submitted as part of the outline permission however the agent has confirmed that they would look to use predominantly traditional red brick and tile to reflect the retained school buildings.

The footpath link was the subject of an application a few years ago to make it a formal public right of way.  This went to appeal at which an inspector rejected the application because use had been permitted and controlled in association with the school, not by right of way.  The agent has confirmed that the proposal is to re-open the link once development is complete and this was also a requirement specified by the Council and forms condition 20 of the approved outline application

The housing mix has been confirmed at 30 affordable units of which 18 are for rent and 12 for shared ownership of which up to 6 may be discount market units.  The concentration of affordable units have been broken up and re-distributed as part of amendments made during the application process.

3 additional objections have been reived since the publication of the report which raise concern over the felling of trees, housing mix, location of bungalows, loss of privacy, noise from pumping station and the pedestrian link to meadow way, these points are all considered within the report.

It is considered that the development brings forward a reasonable mixture of housing which would contribute to identified needs and provides 30 affordable homes, the proposal is one that is allocated for housing in the Local Plan and therefore is recommended for approval.



(b)  Helen Glancy, an objector, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Security concerns

·         Queries on maintenance

·         Fly tipping, anti-social behaviour concerns if woodland is accessible

·         Sewer concerns

·         Wildlife concerns


A Cllr asked what wildlife is present in the woodland.


Ms Glancy stated that there are foxes, squirrels, birds, pheasants, among others.


A Cllr asked if this was a bad area.


A Cllr clarified that there had been occurrences of anti-social behaviour in the past and this may return with open access.


The Development Manager stated that condition 7 requires fencing for security. Majority of the trees will be retained, and there will be a removal of poor species which will be replaced. The location of the pumping station has been driven by the position of the existing sewer and will be largely screened.


The Assistance Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that access will be restricted by fencing. The sewer essentially denotes a ‘no build zone’, and the maintenance of the site will be undertaken by a management company.


(c)  Rob Thorley, the applicant, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Allocated land

·         Sustainable brownfield site

·         Restoration of school buildings

·         Currently derelict and decaying

·         Bungalows incorporated into scheme

·         Mix of units including affordable housing

·         Complies with Local Plan

·         In keeping with area

·         Woodland will be fenced off and bounded by gardens

·         Management company will maintain


A Cllr asked if the woodland will be completely fenced off or if someone will have access.


Mr Thorley stated that access will be given for maintenance and the local nursery will be able to use it for educational purposes, but otherwise there will be no access.


The Chair stated that he didn’t want the maintenance of the site to be forgotten about.


A Cllr asked if the footpath will be open.


The Development Manager explained that the change of ownership will allow the footpath to be reintroduced.


A Cllr had concerns that the footpath was closed due to anti-social behaviour and this may occur again.


A Cllr asked what materials would be used and if they would reflect the school buildings.


The Development Manager stated that a condition for materials is to be submitted.


A Cllr stated that it is a shame to lose the field for recreational purposes and another space needs to be found for this in the south of Melton.


The Chair proposed to permit the application.


Cllr Faulkner seconded the proposal to permit.


A vote was taken. It was unanimously decided that the application be permitted.


Determination: PERMIT, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.


REASONS: The proposed development is considered acceptable and within the parameters established at the outline stage. The proposal would secure a high standard of design and ensure satisfactory amenity for future and existing occupiers.  The proposal is considered to comply with the Local Plan policies and principles of the NPPF.


Supporting documents: