Agenda item


To include Mayor’s Outgoing speech



The outgoing Mayor, Councillor Chandler, referred to


(a)  taking on the role as Mayor with pride and reported on the enjoyable year she had experienced;


(b)  the centenaries of the RAF, the Defence Animal Training Regiment here in Melton, the Armistice, the National Farmers’ Union opening in Melton and the celebration marking 70 years since the Polish Community first arrived at Ashby Folville before settling on Sandy Lane.  All were celebrated by occasions that would last in the memory, as would the enjoyable visits to local schools, clubs and associations all run by an army of volunteers, who in many cases did not receive the recognition they deserved.  She was determined that her Mayoral awards should reflect the part these people played in the community;


(c)  being taken back by the number of organisations who valued the role of the Mayor, and requested her presence at their functions.  The withdrawal of the Civic Officer would most certainly change the way the Mayoral diary was administered with far more responsibility being placed on the Mayor in accepting and carrying out engagements in addition to the customary thank you letters afterwards;


(d)  many were aware of her concerns that the Council undersold both Melton and the surrounding Borough.  She felt the Council had  to make this one of its priorities as the lost revenue from tourism would certainly boost the local economy.  A couple of weeks previously the Melton Town Centre was the finish of the International Classic Cycle Road Race.  Teams from 8 different countries took part, an American winning the 198.5 km course out of 180 or so other riders.  She added that there was nothing going on in the town centre to attract families and she had heard other towns made more effort for this event.  The ladies race was scheduled for June, when again top international riders would be competing, nothing appeared to be planned at this stage to promote that event.  Credit had to go to Matthew O’ Callaghan who brought people into the area with his organisation of both the Pie Festival & Cheese Fair;


(e)  also promoting the Bottesford area.  She had been invited to address the Melton in Bloom AGM and answered questions which again related to  why the Council did not promote itself better.   She felt the Council had to do more to promote the Borough as well as such organisations as Melton in Bloom who worked tirelessly tending to the area around Parkside in addition to several other prominent areas around the Town Centre and also referred to some recent vandalism of the Heritage Area immediately adjacent to Parkside;


(f)   being invited to witness Councillor Pam Posnett MBE invested as Chairman of Leicestershire County Council and that this was an honour for both Pam and Melton;


(g)  her appreciation of her Deputy, Tom Greenow, and that of his wife and that due to personal commitments was not able to attend the meeting.  She added that she had sent flowers to him and his wife with best wishes to both of them and their young family for the future;


(h)  her appreciation of the Mayor’s Cadet, Sergeant Olivia Brown, who had acted impeccably whenever called upon;


(i)    her appreciation of her Mayoral support over the past couple of months by the Democratic Services Team of  Sarah, Catherine and Helen.  She referred to the Council Meeting being the last for Sarah Evans as she would be leaving the Council next month and on behalf of all Councillors, she wished her well for the future;


(j)    a debt of gratitude to two friends from Bottesford who had at times accompanied her to events in other Boroughs and expressed the greatest thanks to Councillor Elaine Holmes who was unable to be at the meeting but said she had been a wonderful companion and she felt she had enjoyed the year and had always been great company; 


(k)  the previous decision of the Council to reduce Mayoral engagements and to not take part in Armed Forces Day and was pleased that this decision had been overturned at the last Council meeting.