Agenda item

Trans-Midlands Trade Corridor (A46)

The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity to submit a report seeking Members’ approval to enter into a Statement of Commitment and Collaboration with other Local authorities and the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) within the Trans-Midlands Trade Corridor. The Statement presents Government with a statement of commitment to collaborate across political boundaries to develop a strategic economic growth plan for the corridor.  This new strategy and delivery plan will set out how each partner can contribute to a wider, national agenda and collectively support the functional economic geography of the corridor.  The Trans- Midlands Corridor is largely defined by the A46, part of the Strategic Road Network (SRN), which runs for over 250 kilometres from the M5 at Tewkesbury to Grimsby and on to Hull via the A15; although there are also some important rail links connecting major towns and cities.


The Trans Midlands Trade Corridor Proposal be noted and the signing of the Statement of Commitment and Collaboration be confirmed.  Any amendment to the wording of the Statement be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, working in consultation with with the Leader of the Council and the Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services.


The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity


(a)  submitted a report, seeking Members’ approval to enter into a Statement of Commitment and Collaboration with other local authorities and the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) within the Trans-Midlands Trade Corridor. The Statement presented Government with a statement of commitment to collaborate across political boundaries to develop a strategic economic growth plan for the corridor.  This new strategy and delivery plan would set out how each partner could contribute to a wider, national agenda and collectively support the functional economic geography of the corridor.  The Trans- Midlands Corridor was largely defined by the A46, part of the Strategic Road Network (SRN), which ran for over 250 kilometres from the M5 at Tewkesbury to Grimsby and on to Hull via the A15; although there were also some important rail links connecting major towns and cities.


(b)  thanked officers, particularly the Chief Executive and the Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services for the Strategic Growth Plan and for helping to ‘put Melton on the map’.  The Trans Midland Trade Corridor proposal was good news for Melton and this Council was the first to consider it.


(c)  proposed that the recommendation at 3.1 of the report be amended to reflect that he, as Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity (in consultation with the Leader and the Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services) be given delegated authority to amend any wording of the Statement of Commitment and Collaboration.


(d)  highlighted that the Strategic Plan would include:-


·         Vision and Objectives

·         Sector focused analysis of opportunities impacts and outcomes

·         Seeking land value capture opportunities

·         Establishing and appraising a range of interventions

·         Understanding the social value and environmental impacts and opportunities

·         Future-ready opportunities

·         Establishing public/private delivery pacts

·         Developing the integrated investment and policy strategy


(e)  Informed Members that the trade corridor would enable people to seek employment outside Melton, while encouraging tourism and custom to the Borough.


(f)   advised that the Council always sought to work with partners and was ‘outward looking’.  Melton would be very much a part of seeking opportunities to support growth ambitions.


(g)  Drew Members attention to Appendix 1 of the report (The Trans-Midlands Trade Corridor Proposal for an Economic Development Strategy)


Members confirmed their support.  This was a very positive initiative for Melton.  There would be a balance for people to have access out of and away from Melton, whilst trying to fulfil economy by attracting better jobs, tourism and custom to Melton.  If people could exit the Borough easier they could also access it more easily.  Melton had lots to offer and this needed to be publicised.


There being no further comments or questions from Members, Councillor Higgins moved the recommendation and Councillor Orson seconded.  Members voted unanimously in favour.




The Trans Midlands Trade Corridor Proposal be noted and the signing of the Statement of Commitment and Collaboration be confirmed.  Any amendment to the wording of the Statement be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services.




The opportunity for the Council to commit to working with partners, national agencies and Government to produce a prospectus that will be attractive to Government whilst meeting our own requirements within our Strategic Growth Plan.

Supporting documents: