Agenda item

Hackney carriage tariff increase

The Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services to submit a report to present to the Committee the results of the public consultation to the proposal to adjust the taxi tariff increase proposed on 11th March 2019.


The Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services introduced the report with the purpose being to present to the Committee the results of the public consultation on a proposal received on 11 March 2019 to adjust the Hackney Carriage tariff increase and seek approval to increase Hackney Carriage tariffs to commence on 1 July 2019 within the Borough of Melton.


The Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services advised members that four responses to consultation had been received as shown in Appendix 6 - table of responses. The Licensing and Compliance Officer summarised the process that had been undertaken prior to the report being considered by members.


During the discussion, the following points were noted:


Members asked how the fares had been calculated and whether the fares were benchmarked with other Local Authorities and how the proposed charges compared to other Local Authorities. The Licensing and Compliance Officer confirmed that they had been presented by the drivers requesting ths adjustment but they had not provided detailed calculations, but had explained they were requested due to inflationary pressures since the last increase in 2015, and they had not been benchmarked and that they did not compare as other Local Authorities had more complex fares.


Members raised concerns that they could not determine how the percentage figures contained within the proposed table of fares had been arrived at and raised concerns that there was not a common thread when comparing the proposed figures


Members raised concerns that they did not have enough information to make an informed decision.


At 19:10, the Licensing Committee was adjourned. The Licensing Committee reconvened at 19:17.


Councillor Cumbers proposed to adjourn the debate until the next meeting of the Licensing Committee, Councillor Lumley seconded the motion.


Councillor Freer-Jones abstained from voting.




That the Licensing Committee defer the matter to the next meeting of the Licensing Committee in order to seek responses and additional information to the points raised.

Supporting documents: