The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity to provide a report to:
a) Inform Members of the outcome of the 2018/19 Housing Delivery Test and its implications for the Borough.
b) Seek the Council approval to publish the 2018/19 Housing Delivery Action Plan (HDAP), which is a requirement according to the 2019 revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (para 75).
c) Advise that the Action Plan evaluates the cause of under-delivery and identifies actions to carried out in order increase delivery in future years. The publication of the document needs to be done before the 19th August 2019, deadline given by the National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG). The document does not need to be submitted to the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG).
NOTED the outcome of the 2018/19 Housing Delivery Test.
AUTHORISED the publishing of the Housing Delivery Action Plan as a graphic
report as comprised in Appendix 1 on the Council’s website before the 19th
August 2019.
3) Cabinet AGREED that a Housing Delivery Action Plan be published on an annual basis in order to positively tackle housing delivery issues in the Borough.
Councillor Leigh Higgins, Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity,
introduced the report with the purpose of informing Members of the outcome of
the 2018/19 Housing Delivery Test and seek approval to publish 2018/19 Housing
Delivery Plan (HDAP). The publication of the document needs to be done before
the 19th August 2019 deadline given by the National Planning Policy
Guidance (NPPG).
1) Cabinet
NOTED the outcome of the 2018/19 Housing Delivery Test.
2) Cabinet
AUTHORISED the publishing of the Housing Delivery Action Plan as a graphic
report as comprised in Appendix 1 on the Council’s website before the 19th
August 2019.
Cabinet AGREED that a Housing Delivery
Action Plan be published on an annual basis in order to positively tackle
housing delivery issues in the Borough.
Council has made considerable progress towards encouraging and securing growth
and prosperity in the Borough. Through our refreshed Corporate Delivery Plan,
we have made housing, jobs and growth key priorities. The Council adopted the
Local Plan, promoting unprecedented levels of growth and investment in October
the last 12 months a Growth and Regeneration directorate was created. to pursue
these priorities .
the team are progressing with the masterplanning of
Melton South and Melton North which are keystone elements of the overall
aspiration for growth and through outline planning consents with signed s106
agreements have already secured commitments for 810 dwellings within these
areas and £7m towards the Melton Mowbray Distributer Road (MMDR). Working with
colleagues at Leicestershire County Council we have been successful in securing
nearly £50 million for the MMDR and have supported the bidding process to the
Housing Infrastructure Fund for financial support for the southern link of the
road. Following the planning fees increase we have already added resources to
the planning team and are reviewing our planning service to ensure it is
equipped and resourced to deliver
early signals are encouraging – we are seeing more active building sites and
more delivery of affordable housing within them, and the most recent
assessments of build rates showed a 60% increase in 2019/20 compared to the
previous year. There is strong interest in very many of the sites allocated in
the Local plan, with many the subject of recently approved planning
applications or applications travelling through the system.
The time
restriction is given in paragraph 073 of the National Planning Policy Guidance
(Housing and economic land availability assessment) which says that ‘To ensure the document is as useful as
possible, local planning authorities should publish an action plan within 6
months of publication of the Housing Delivery Test result.’ These results
were published by MHCLG on 19th February 2019. As explained above,
the Action Plan should be prepared in line with the NPPG and therefore it
should be published by 19th August 2019.
agreeing the publication of a Housing Delivery Action Plan on an annual basis,
the document would be published regardless of the Housing Delivery Test
results, showing a proactive attitude from the Council and having a constant
positive impact on the housing delivery strategy from Melton Borough Council.
One of
our current priorities for Place is ‘increasing
the availability of good quality homes that meet local needs’ and the
related increase of the house building in Melton which is directly connected to
this Action Plan. Delivering more houses will also have direct and indirect
impacts on other priorities, as for example the provision of infrastructure
(place), the support to our local industry (people), the support to employment
opportunities and career development (organisational priorities) and an
improvement to the affordability of homes (people).
Supporting documents: