Agenda item

Community Grants Review - Presentation

Presentation to be provided by the People Manager on proposals to review the current policy for allocation of community grants.


Mrs. Rahman, People Manager and Councillor Freer-Jones, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Governance, Access and Engagement


(a)  gave a presentation (a copy of which is attached), setting out the proposals to review the current policy for allocation of community grants;


(b)  asked Members to consider any areas not identified in the presentation;


(c)  advised that £44k would be available and asked Members to confirm their areas of priority to help focus the Review.


Copies of the People Board Outcomes Framework, which formed part of the presentation, were circulated to Members.


During discussion the following points were noted:-


·         There should be an acknowledgement that the Council also allocates a significant amount of discretionary business rate relief over and above the Community Grants allocation.  This was not included in the presentation but would be acknowledged in the final policy.

·         It was highlighted that though not in receipt of grant monies, Shopmobility received financial assistance toward utility bills.

·         The People Manager would provide members with further information regarding any grants issued outside the Community Grants process.

·         Members were keen to see recipients of grants being subject to agreed service level agreements.

·         It was vital to direct focus onto Parish areas, as well as the Town.  Councillor Freer-Jones reassured Members that grant monies and benefits were available to the whole Borough and all would have the opportunity to submit bids.

·         Consideration should be given to subsidising public transport in rural communities.

·         Community Groups had been consulted as part of the Review (via email).  Effective community engagement was crucial in helping the Council achieve its aims and aspirations for the Borough.  Inclusion and engagement was being considered in detail and Members were supportive of this.  Mrs. Rahman would confirm if Parish Councils were consulted on the Review outside this meeting.

·         Stakeholder mapping (who the Council should consult with) was being undertaken as a separate piece of work and members would be asked to contribute.  Members highlighted the importance of reaching the elderly, young people, those living alone or in isolated areas and Parish Councils.

·         Members also highlighted that helping to train and prepare people for work, facilitating good mental health and less substance misuse was important but this was not solely the Council’s responsibility.

·         The grant monies should not be targeted to areas which were subject to statutory help but consideration could be given regarding how to complement these services.

·         In order to make funding more accessible, Members considered making it available every six months.  However, it was agreed that areas of focus needed to be prioritised to ensure the monies had a significant impact and were not ‘spread too thinly’ amongst organisations.  Councillor Freer-Jones confirmed that she would advise Cabinet that Members wanted to explore the possibility of setting aside a smaller funding pot to be available for smaller grants.

·         Local schools could be encouraged to work with care homes by providing opportunities for volunteering which would in turn provide students with opportunity of gaining work experience.  This would be good for both the young and the elderly.

·         The cost incurred to the Council through its administration of the Community Lottery was raised and Mrs. Rahman confirmed that she would look into this and confirm the figure outside this meeting.


A Member commented that the Review work undertaken was good.  Analysis of the needs in the Borough had been undertaken and the proposed action would benefit the community.


Councillor Freer-Jones advised Members that the points they had raised would be taken forward to Cabinet .  She would continue to work with Mrs. Rahman on the Review, which would be submitted to Cabinet in October and would work with the Director for Law and Governance on community engagement.


Scrutiny Committee NOTED the presentation.