Agenda item

Application 19/00377/REM

Field OS 002, Leicester Road, Melton Mowbray





Pegasus Group


Field OS 0002, Leicester Road, Melton Mowbray


Development of 266 dwellings with associated landscaping and drainage


The Local Plans Manager addressed the committee and provided a brief summary of the application.   Mrs Legge also confirmed :


·         Following the publication of the Officer’s report, the applicant had submitted details of the proposed materials including a materials plan, and the highway authority had responded to the consultation.  This information had been circulated to Members by email


·         In addition to this updated information, a further public comment had been received stating that in determining the access onto Leicester Road the highway authority had failed to take into consideration the access to the Westleigh housing development to the north of Leicester Road.  However, the Committee was aware that this application related only to the reserved matters; the access was approved under the 2015 planning application, at a similar time to the Westleigh housing application


·         This application had been reviewed by a design review panel in September 2019, and amendments had been made to the scheme in response to this. The path along the north south link to the west of the site had been reinforced as a continuous green corridor and pedestrian footpath from the attenuation basin towards the public open space


·         Overall the design review concluded that subject to those amendments, the masterplan was a well-considered response to the site constraints and made the most of the opportunities that the topography and existing vegetation provided


·         Recently following further discussions with Bellway and their agents, to further enhance the ‘green credentials’ of the site the developer had agreed to offer the provision of wiring for car charging points to all of the private 4 bedroom dwellings (amounting to 79 dwellings, which was around 30% of the site) in an attempt to satisfy policy EN9 of the Local Plan. This was not however a requirement of the outline permission


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Para 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a four minute presentation :


James Hicks of Pegasus Planning Group, Agent on behalf of Applicant


Following questions from Members, Mr Hicks confirmed:


·         Duration of the build programme would be 4-5 years, dependent on market response and work would commence on site in the first quarter of the new year

·         There was no obligation to use greener methods of heating for the homes than those proposed at the current time however building regulations could change during the build period and homes would be built to the latest standard required

·         He was satisfied that there were sufficient drainage arrangements on the site

·         Electric car wiring had been added for the larger houses in response to purchaser demand


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         The internal highways of the site were currently not adopted but developers were working with the Council and Highways on the requirements to ensure adoption such as widening on corners and bends, speed controls and changing gradients etc

·         CCTV was not a planning requirement although had been suggested by the Police.  There was a concern how this would affect the look and feel of the estate

·         Members were in agreement that the developers had listened to the Council’s concerns, made the required improvements and worked with officers to bring a good application

·         Carbon neutrality was considered and there was a request for more trees on the site and it was agreed that this could be included as part of consideration of the soft and hard landscaping scheme

·         Councillor Illingworth would be included in the working group that considered the landscaping proposals


Councillor Higgins proposed the recommendations in the report and to incorporate the additional conditions reported by the Lead Planning Officer. This was seconded by Councillor Steadman.




That application 19/00377/REM  be APPROVED in accordance with the conditions set out in the report and the additional conditions as follows:


·      Notwithstanding the submitted plans, any garage doors shall be set back from the highway boundary a minimum distance of 5.5 metres for sliding or roller/shutter doors/ 6.1 metres for up-and-over doors / 6.5 metres for doors opening outwards and thereafter shall be so maintained


·      Notwithstanding the submitted plans, any new / replacement windows and/or doors within 0.5 metres of the footway shall not open so to overhang the public highway and shall thereafter be maintained in perpetuity


·      No development which obstructs or affects the existing public footpath (E9) that crosses the site shall take place until a scheme for its treatment has been submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such a scheme shall include provision for management during construction, surfacing, width, boundary crossing points, signing and landscaping in accordance with the principles set out in the Leicestershire County Councils Guidance Note for Developers. Thereafter, the development shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed scheme and timetable


·      Where a Public Right of Way crosses a Carriageway, drop kerbs should be installed at the crossing points


·      Prior to the first occupation of each 4 bedroom market dwelling the wiring for an electric car charging point shall be provided in a location close to the parking provision for that plot






·         The application site is allocated for housing and outline planning permission for the development has been granted. The principle of the access and the number of units proposed were debated, considered and approved by Members at the outline stage.


·         The proposal as revised would result in a form of development that would be sympathetic to the character of the locality by virtue of its appearance, landscaping, layout and scale and would not unduly compromise residential amenity or be prejudicial to highway safety.  For these reasons, the proposal is considered to comply with the relevant paragraphs of the NPPF, the National Design Guidance and Policy D1 of the Melton Local Plan which requires all new development to be sympathetic to the character of the area in which the site is located.

Supporting documents: