Agenda item

Application 19/00890/FUL

Brambles, 35 Bolton Lane, Hose





Mr and Mrs Edwards


Brambles, 35 Bolton Lane, Hose


Erection of detached building to rear garden to form small cattery business with residential use of dwelling


The Planning Officer addressed the committee and provided a brief summary of the application and the issues it gave rise to.  


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Para 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a four minute presentation :


(1)  Mr and Mrs Edwards, the Applicants


Following questions from Members, Mrs Edwards responded :


·         Specialist cleaning agents for pets would be used to cleanse the drains and avoid smells.  The spray used would remove all contamination.  Wipes and all waste would be treble bagged before disposal.  Environmental Health had indicated approval to the cleansing plan.  Fortnightly specialist bin collection would be arranged and the applicants would monitor smells and arrange weekly collection if there was unpleasant odour from the cattery

·         The bins were located next to a fence shared by the neighbours and their garden was on the other side of the fence

·         There was car parking at the house for multiple cars, however an appointment system would be in operation, therefore only one car being the cat owner would visit at a time

·         There was heating and ventilation for the cats to accommodate all outdoor temperatures


(2)  Councillor Chris Evans, Ward Councillor made a four minute presentation


A point of order was raised by Councillor Higgins who requested that Councillor Evans refrain from approaching Members of the Committee during the meeting in the interests of transparency and impartial decision-making.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         The applicants lived in the house adjoining the garden in question therefore they wished to maintain the same high standards in the business as was evident in their home (from the Planning Officer’s visit)

·         No objections had been received from the Highway Authority nor Environmental Health however the scheme had been slightly amended to deal with ventilation issues raised

·         There would be some impact on neighbours but not enough to warrant refusal

·         The applicants were investing in a high quality building and materials therefore a temporary permission was not viable

·         The majority of Members were supportive of the venture and had evidence from their own experiences with cats that it was not usual for cats to smell

·         It was mentioned that individuals could have 8 cats of their own with no regulation and no recourse for dealing with complaints

·         It was felt that small rural businesses such as this were to be welcomed

·         Neighbours’ concerns were understood by most Members but they were not felt to be strong enough for refusal

·         Should there be concerns in the future, residents could contact Licensing or Environmental Health with their complaints

·         Concerns were raised at the site being in the middle of the village and there being potential for dangerous traffic manoeuvres whilst accessing the site

·         With regard to the concern on siting and collection of refuse bins early in the morning, the Planning Officer advised that these matters could be resolved by management conditions added to the application

·         The Ward Councillors did not support the application due to the impact on the village and neighbours in spoiling the amenity of neighbouring gardens, smell, refuse siting, refuse collection times and highway concerns


Councillor Cumbers proposed the recommendations in the report with the addition of appropriate conditions in relation to refuse arrangements. This was seconded by Councillor Illingworth. 




That application 19/00890/FUL be APPROVED in accordance with the conditions set out in the report and a further condition requiring appropriate management for the siting and collection of refuse.


(7 in favour, 3 against)




·         It is considered that the small scale nature of the cattery is acceptable subject to conditions, the proposal would not result in significant detrimental harm to residential amenity, nor harm to the setting of the conservation area or be prejudicial to highway safety.


(Councillors Holmes and Steadman requested that their vote against the preceding application be recorded.)

Supporting documents: