Agenda item

Application 19/00500/VAC

Levesley House, 14 City Road, Stathern







Levesley House, 14 City Road, Stathern


Proposed variation of conditions 2 and 10 of application 18/00980/FUL for the erection of 8 dwellings and the formation of vehicular access


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery addressed the committee and provided a summary of the application, explaining the principal changes between it and the existing approval on the site and highlighting in particular:


·         Changes to the layout of plot 1

·         Changes to the site layout resulting in the loss of a length of hedge

·         Changes to the height of plot 6

·         The changes were not considered to be unduly detrimental and the  application was still recommended for approval


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Para 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a four minute presentation :


(1)  Ken Bray, Chair of Stathern Parish Council


Following questions from Members, Mr Bray confirmed:


·         The Parish Council wished to remain with the existing permission and not approve the changes proposed to the development

·         The Parish Council felt the latest changes made to plot 1 in particular made it look taller, despite being the same height to ridge, to the detriment of the two neighbouring listed buildings


(2)   Caroline Chave, Agent on behalf of Applicant


Following questions from Members, Ms Chave confirmed:


·         There were windows on the third floor in the roof area as the purchaser wished to use that area as a bedroom

·         The development had been designed to accommodate individual purchaser’s requirements, similar to a self build, hence the request for the changes to the previous application

·         The net change of bedrooms across the site was 3 additional bedrooms, there were some change to the size of rooms as well as utility spaces and playrooms above garages introduced


(3)   Councillor Chris Evans, Ward Councillor


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         There was concern regarding the introduction of skylights and that these might stand out in the night sky and were not appropriate in a conservation area

·         As the development was at the edge of the village, it was felt that the buildings should be at a lower level

·         The removal of a historic hedgerow was a concern but other Members felt this was more than compensated for by the new landscaping scheme which included new hedging

·         The majority of Members felt that the changes were not so impactful that the application did not warrant approval

·         There had been  incremental design changes to make the homes larger, some Members felt this undermined the previous approval and the planning system but amendments were commonplace and the differences proposed were not adverse so as to warrant a refusal


Councillor Illingworth proposed the recommendations in the report. This was seconded by Councillor Douglas. 




That application 19/00500/VAC be APPROVED in accordance with the conditions set out in the report.


(8 in favour, 2 against)




·         The proposals seek to vary the design and layout of the approved scheme and following the receipt of revised plans the proposals are deemed to be visually acceptable and adequately safeguard the residential amenities of neighbouring properties.  

Supporting documents: