Agenda item

Application 19/00606/FUL

Land adjacent 25 Mill Lane, Frisby on the Wreake





Land adjacent 25 Mill Lane, Frisby on the Wreake


Construction of new dwelling


The Planning Development Manager addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application. In response to Member concerns, she referred to the comments from the Environment Agency in Appendix A of the report regarding flooding and appropriate conditions recommended, which would  bring improvements in this area. The proposal as submitted was for 3 bedrooms at the first floor with master suite and a further fourth  bedroom to the ground floor.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a four minute presentation:


·         Councillor Alex Warwick, Frisby Parish Council

·         Jim Burrows, Objector (shared time allocation with Mr Pingue)

·         Antonio Pingue, Objector


It was noted there was an existing right of access to the property. 


·         Natalie Koromila, Applicant


It was noted that the applicant intended to improve the existing planning permission and felt the constraints of the site and flood risk were outweighed by the opportunity to build a family home.


·         Councillor Ronan Browne, Ward Councillor


The Planning Development Manager explained that there was extant planning permission on the site for a larger building. This application was smaller and an improvement on the existing permission and provided a better outcome for the locality in terms of materials and conditions requesting improvements to surface water drainage and flooding resilience. Should this application not be approved, the applicant could continue building on the extant permission immediately.


She further advised that the previous application had been approved under delegated powers and there had been a history of permissions on the site from a 2 bed bungalow to a dormer bungalow then a house approved in August 2017 and subsequently amended in 2018, which together formed the current permission. It was noted that the report set out the history of the site.


The Solicitor explained that the site already had extant planning permission for a house and the Committee needed to determine if this application was a better offer than the existing. 


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         It was noted the principle of development was established before the Neighbourhood Plan was approved and a Member felt the application should be determined on current policies, not on the history of the site


The meeting was adjourned at 8 pm for 5 minutes to allow those present to take part in the Clap for our Carers campaign.  The meeting reconvened at 8.05 pm.


·         Several Members felt that as it was a flood area they could not support the application, there was also concern at the number of bedrooms

·         Other Members felt that this application was an improvement on the current permission and felt it was logical and consistent to approve it and therefore approval was moved

·         The motion was seconded however should it have been a fresh application the Member felt it may not have been proposed for approval due to the neighbour concerns and potential for flooding


Councillor Illingworth proposed the recommendation in the report and Councillor Higgins seconded.




That application 19/00707/FUL be APPROVED subject to conditions and for the reasons listed below.


(6 in favour, 5 against)


(Councillors Chandler, Cumbers and Holmes requested that their vote against this application be recorded.)




The proposal accords with the requirements of Policies SS1 and SS2 which strongly emphasise the need to provide housing in locations that can take advantage of sustainable travel. Frisby on the Wreake is a ‘Rural Hub’ under policy SS2 and identified as appropriate for a limited quantity of development in the form of allocations and accommodation of ‘windfall’.


The proposed dwelling sits mainly within the limits to development within the Neighbourhood Plan as identified within Policy H3 of the Neighbourhood Plan.

The application is a revision to a number of previous and extant planning permissions on the site for the development of one dwelling. As such, the principle of development is established subject to appropriate design and appearance and other material planning considerations.


The access and parking is deemed acceptable, Network Rail have no concerns subject to conditions, there would be no adverse impact upon the adjacent public footpath and sufficient residential amenity is safeguarded for the adjacent property and the future occupiers.


Whilst the Environment Agency state the application is contrary to the NPPF and should not be permitted, it is also acknowledged within their response that the permission for one dwelling on the site is in place. Given that this development is similar to the previous extant planning permission, it is considered acceptable on grounds of flooding subject to conditions and mitigation measures outlined within the submitted Flood Risk Assessment.


The proposal is considered to be sympathetic to the Conservation Area and setting of heritage assets given the similarities to the previously approved scheme in terms of height and scale, however the new design, materials and appearance proposed within this scheme is considered to be of higher quality.

Supporting documents: