Agenda item

Application 20/00192/FUL

1 Belvoir Avenue, Ab Kettleby





Rear of 1 Belvoir Avenue, Ab Kettleby


Full planning application for the erection of bungalow to the rear of 1 Belvoir Avenue (amended scheme)


The Planning Development Manager addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application.


Members requested the distances between the proposed development and the nearest neighbouring property and it was noted there would be in excess of 16 to the rear of no. 3 Belvoir Avenue.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a four minute presentation:


·         Robert Love, Objector


Mr Love was not present, however the Chair read out his representation which had been previously circulated to the Committee.


·         Robin Taylor, Agent


The agent confirmed that the existing 6 feet boundary fence would be removed as it was not lawful.


·         Councillor Joe Orson, Ward Councillor


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         It was felt that the impact of the design was too tight and did not meet the Council’s test and could not be supported

·         A Member felt that it met local need although there were issues and a permeable driveway was requested rather than tarmac. The Planning Development Manager advised that this could be included in the conditions

·         It was noted that there was demand in villages for 1 bed bungalows but felt if it was approved permitted development rights should be removed

·         It was questioned whether the development had been improved enough from the previous submission

·         There was a proposal for refusal on policy D1 relating to the impact on amenity to neighbouring properties being compromised and inadequate design.  The motion was seconded.


In accordance with the Constitution, at 9 pm, there was a motion to continue the meeting beyond the 3 hour threshold and Members voted unanimously to continue the meeting.


·         It was requested that Policy D1(b) be added to the motion as a reason to refuse.


Councillor Higgins proposed to refuse the application and Councillor Posnett seconded due to the impact on neighbours, inadequate design and policy D1;  the design not reflecting its surroundings.  


RESOLVED that, contrary to the officer recommendation,


Application 20/00192/FUL be REFUSED for the following reasons that should also include the now adopted Neighbourhood Plan.


The proposed dwelling, by virtue of its length, height and proximity to the boundary of the site, would result in and unacceptable intrusion into the amenities enjoyed by the adjacent property, no 3 Belvoir Avenue. It would therefore compromise the amenity of the neighbouring properties and would be contrary to policies D1 of the Adopted Melton Local Plan 2011-36 and  H3 of the Ab Kettleby Neighbourhood Plan 2019.


The proposed dwelling, by virtue of its scale and design, would fail to reflect the style of the surrounding development and contribute to the local distinctiveness of the area. It is therefore contrary to Policy D1 of the Adopted Melton Local Plan 2011-36 and H4 of the Ab Kettleby Neighbourhood Plan 2019. 


(9 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstention)

Supporting documents: