Agenda item

Application 19/01376/OUT

OS 4250, Burdetts Close, Great Dalby





OS 4250, Burdetts Close, Great Dalby


Outline planning application for the construction of 35 no. dwellings (Class C3) with associated open space, landscaping and access, drainage and services infrastructure; to include details of layout and access off Burdetts Close, with all other matters reserved


The Development Manager addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application. She explained that the Committee had previously  approved an application for the same development in December 2018 subject to a  Section 106 Agreement and which was now the subject of a  pending Judicial Review initiated by the Parish Council and that this had no bearing on determining this application.  She added that the Inspector had concluded that there would be limited harm to the heritage assets and this would be outweighed by the benefits of the application. The application was recommended for approval subject to an amendment to condition 18 as follows:


No development approved by this planning permission shall take place until such a time a surface water drainage scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Where a pumped solution is proposed the full evidence demonstrating that a gravity solution is not viable must be submitted. Where pumping is demonstrated to be required the scale of the pumped catchment must be minimised as much as practicable. The permission should also secure, through a Section 106 Agreement, contributions towards education provision, sustainable transport, maintenance of open space, affordable housing, expansion of health service facilities in the area and waste services.


In response to a concern regarding flooding at the site, the Development Manager referred to the comments in the report on managing any such risk and also advised that more information would be supplied at the reserved matters stage should permission be granted.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a four minute presentation:


·         Councillor Beth Johnson, Burton and Dalby Parish Council


Following Members’ questions, it was confirmed by Councillor Johnson that the Parish  Council’s concerns related to the layout and character of the site and although there had been communication with the applicant for the first application, there had been none for this application. 


·         John Moore, Objector


·         Dan Hatcher, Applicant


Following a Member’s query, it was confirmed that there had been engagement with the Parish Council on the first application but due to differing opinion and attempting to find a balance, consultation on this application had been with Planning officers and other consultees.


·         Councillor Robert Child, Ward Councillor


(Councillor Chandler left the meeting, resumed connection and re-entered the meeting within approximately a 3 minute period.)


It was noted by the Development Manager and Assistant Director of Planning and Delivery that the points made by speakers on heritage were addressed in the report at paragraph 3.3 and the references relating to potential alternative schemes were not material planning considerations on this application.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Concern as to the narrow, bottle-neck access point and on-street parking of the neighbouring properties at the access for such a large development although it was mentioned that there was parking provision included in the proposal

·         Concern that the development did not meet the character, historical and conservation aspirations of the village for future generations and considered there was opportunity for better design and an improved  scheme

·         Councillor Illingworth proposed that the application be deferred to allow further consideration with the Parish Council and Ward Councillor on the access, style of dwellings in the context of the conservation area and the need for more detail on the proposal. Councillor Faulkner second the motion  

·         The Solicitor to the Council pointed out that style of dwellings was not part of this application and would form part of reserved matters and therefore should be removed from the motion

·         Councillor Illingworth added that he did not wish to dilute his motion by removing the design of dwellings

·         It was agreed that the Chair and Vice Chair be also involved in the discussions to consider the access, layout, design within the context of the conservation area




That application 19/01376/OUT be DEFERRED to allow consultation with the Parish Council, Ward Councillor, Chair and Vice of the Committee on the layout and access in the context of the conservation area.


(9 in favour, 1 abstention)

Supporting documents: