Agenda item

Application 19/00707/FUL

Land at Butt Close, Adjacent Hay Barn, Riverside Road, Melton Mowbray





Land at Butt Close, Adjacent Hay Barn, Riverside Road, Melton Mowbray


Construction of new dwelling


The Development Manager addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application.


It was noted that the development was in the Egerton Ward and not in the Sysonby Ward as indicated in the report.


The Development Manager responded to Member queries relating to the bridleway being on a private road, the materials for the proposal were the subject of a specific condition, the mobile home was to be removed however this could be amended by Members should they wish to and the archaeology of the site which was detailed in the report.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a four minute presentation:


·         Richard Cooper, Agent, HSSP Architects


Mr Cooper responded to a Member query as to the carbon footprint credentials of the proposal and explained that the building had a southerly aspect, the roof overhung the building which helped prevent overheating and the building was fit for the future  in so far as the site allowed.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         It was felt the design was well thought out, designed for the future with climate change features and would look attractive in the setting

·         Councillor Illingworth proposed that the application be permitted and Councillor Holmes seconded


During the consideration of this application, public participants in the meeting  indicated a desire to speak on the application using the messaging function of the software.


·         The Democratic Services Manager advised members of the public who were observing the meeting, that they could not speak at the meeting as they had not registered to do so in advance of the meeting as set out in the Public Speaking Scheme set out in the Constitution

·         The advice was supported by the Solicitor to the Council who explained that speakers normally needed to register to speak in advance of the meeting

·         It was noted that no members of the public had registered to speak and yet there had been several letters of objection

·         It was noted that the adjacent land could not be conditioned as to use as it was not part of this application


The meeting was adjourned at 8 pm for 5 minutes to allow those present to take part in the Clap for our Carers campaign.  The meeting reconvened at 8.05 pm.


·         Members felt that the democratic process should be followed and there should be transparency in the speaking process and there may have been some confusion in people registering for the remote meeting implying there would be an opportunity for the public to speak

·         Due to this meeting being the first held in remote circumstances, Councillor Illingworth felt the most democratic way forward was to withdraw his motion

·         Councillor Holmes proposed that the application be deferred to allow the public to register to speak at a future meeting.  Councillor Cumbers seconded the motion

·         It was proposed, seconded and carried that the application be deferred to allow further opportunity for members of the public to register to speak on the application.




That application 19/00707/FUL be DEFERRED to allow further opportunity for members of the public to register to speak.



Supporting documents: