Agenda item

Application 19/01371/VAC

Spinney Campus, Brooksby Melton College, Melton Road, Brooksby





Spinney Campus - Brooksby Melton College, Melton Road, Brooksby


·      Removal of Condition 20 (phasing for implementation of the whole development and requirement of the completion of the shop and industrial units prior to occupation of 75% of the proposed residential dwellings).

·      Proposed amendments to s106 obligations


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and updated Members on the amendments that had been made since the application had been deferred to provide an opportunity for further discussions with the Parish Council and Ward Councillor. Following those discussions, he advised the application now offered 6 affordable homes comprising 4 shared ownership and 2 discount market homes, all of which to be provided on the applications site.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a four minute presentation:


·         Stuart Robinson of Hoby and Rotherby Parish Council


·         Dawn Whitemore, Principal of Brooksby Melton College


Ms Whitemore responded to Members’ questions that the theatre provided a valuable contribution to the college in educational provision and was a key component for the foreseeable future of the college. With regard to the King Street site, she referred to three organisations having approached the college with development proposals although due to the Covid 19 pandemic the position could not be confirmed. She advised that one of the college’s requirements for any development was to retain the archaeological merits including the frontage.


·         Councillor Ronan Browne, Ward Councillor


In responding to a Member’s query, Councillor Browne confirmed that a part off-site contribution would be acceptable should 12 affordable homes not be approved however he would accept whatever the Committee determined.


At 8.57 pm, there was a motion to continue the meeting beyond the 3 hour threshold as set out in the Constitution and Members voted unanimously to continue the meeting.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Following the appeal, a Member felt there was a significant loss of benefits including a reduction in funding to develop the theatre as well as the loss of affordable homes and the development of the King Street site. The Councillor considered that the college should make an off-site contribution to meet affordable housing need in rural housing for the Borough due to their reduced investment in this application

·         Farming was a base industry of the area and the application should be supported as it brought positive improvements to the hall as well as the provision of 6 affordable homes

·         There was also support for the college’s educational offering and outstanding rural activities and the way the college kept up to date in a changing farming environment

·         There were Members that felt that the loss of the King Street development and other services was regrettable and an off site contribution to affordable housing was still needed


Councillor Holmes proposed recommendations 1 and 2 of the report and Councillor Posnett seconded the recommendations.




(1)  application 19/01371/VAC be APPROVED;


(2)  the proposed variations to the s106 agreement are authorised.


(9 in favour, 2 against)


(Councillors Faulkner and Higgins requested that their votes against the preceding application be recorded.)




In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal presents a composite package of measures that would allow substantial investment in the College facilities at both the Brooksby and Melton Mowbray campus locations. Investment accruing from the development in the College’s primary heritage asset, Brooksby Hall, would not be affected by the proposals. The NPPF advises great weight should be assigned to heritage assets and their conservation.


The investment would facilitate and significant enhancement of the educational and cultural acumen and offer of the Borough, contributing to its priorities in terms of sustainable and inclusive growth and for which there is no realistic alternative means of funding. This is considered to outweigh the harm resulting from the loss of the ‘village shop’ and employment space in sustainability terms.


Evidence has been provided that indicates the existing planning requirements (on which the grant of permission in 2017 is based) are unattractive to the market and would provide limited receipt, such that no meaningful re-investment in facilities would be realised.


The affordable housing, both on and off site, is not required in full, due to the Vacant Building Credit component of national planning policy. This would allow a ‘discount’ from the level of Affordable Housing provided to approx. 12 (from 27 previously incorporated – 21 of which would have been ‘off site’ at King St, Melton Mowbray). The proposed provision of 6 units at Brooksby is considered appropriate to meet identified local needs and an acceptable compromise within the context of the background to the application.


The proposal would sever dependency of the King St site on the progress made at The Spinney, allowing it to be pursued as a development and regeneration opportunity independent of events at The Spinney.

Supporting documents: