Agenda item

Application 19/01291/REM

Field OS6934, Bypass Road, Asfordby





Field OS 6934, Bypass Road, Asfordby


Reserved matters submission for a residential development of 55 dwellings to include layout, scale, appearance and landscaping


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application. It was mentioned that there was tandem car parking on some plots and it was queried as to whether there was scope for a condition to redesign these to provide side by side parking, however it was noted any change could affect the drainage layout. Also the Homes England grant was time-limited to 1 August so any amendments to the scheme may not then enable the deadline to be met and funding could be threatened.


There was concern on construction traffic in relation to the proximity of the school. It was highlighted that the traffic management plan was not part of the reserved matters application. However there was a condition on the outline submission for the Council to approve the plan and the Ward Councillors and Parish Council could be consulted.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Councillor Mal Sheldon, Asfordby Parish Council


In response to a Member question, Councillor Sheldon advised that he would prioritise drainage over tandem parking as there had been previous flooding issues in the area.


·         Simon Atha, Agent, Cerda


In response to a Member question, Mr Atha explained that the affordable housing mix had been determined following discussions with East Midlands Housing and Planning Officers and was based on local housing need, waiting lists etc. It was felt that shared ownership and affordable rent met these needs. Members felt there were other options such as starter homes and it was asked whether the affordable housing mix could be changed at this stage and Mr Atha responded that this would not be possible.


Regarding landscaping, Mr Atha advised that the landscaping plans went above and beyond in enhancing what was already on the site.


It was noted that flood risk was detailed in the report and had been addressed at outline stage.


The Democratic Services Manager reported that Ward Councillor Steve Carter had requested to speak since the meeting had started. The Chair was in favour of him speaking subject to the agreement of the other Ward Councillor to share the 3 minute allocation to the Ward Councillor(s). Ward Councillor Ronnie de Burle explained that he had booked to speak in advance and in accordance with the public speaking scheme and had prepared a speech that would take up the full 3 minutes allocation.


·         Councillor Ronnie de Burle, Ward Councillor spoke on the application


With regard to concern on construction traffic and the site management arrangements it was noted that there would be consultation with the Ward Councillors and Parish Councillors and this would take place outside of this meeting as was not part of the reserved matters application.


Following support from Committee Members for Ward Councillor Carter to speak at the meeting, it was agreed by show of hands that procedure rules be suspended to allow him to speak.


·         Councillor Steve Carter, Ward Councillor spoke on the application


Following a show of hands in favour, it was agreed that procedure rules be resumed.


Mr Worley confirmed that access had already been approved for the site and was not part of this application. It was noted that following a public meeting in January various highways matters had been submitted to the Parish Council which had unfortunately been lost in the Parish Council’s Office and therefore not shared with Parish Councillors.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         The application met the criteria of the Local Plan and was in line with the NPPF, the design was acceptable and the Ward Councillors and Parish Council were in agreement with the design and layout. The development would benefit the village and bring much needed affordable housing. It was positive that the Parish Council and Ward Councillors could have some involvement in the traffic and access issues after the meeting

·         The safety issues around the construction traffic near the school were being addressed through the traffic management plan 

·         Tandem parking, at least on the corner plot, was to be raised by Mr Worley with the applicant

·         Member would like to see more affordable housing options such as starter homes and requested officers to pursue this with future applications

·         Drainage on the site should be a priority due to previous flooding events

·         The road needed to be wide enough for double parking as well as ensuring access for emergency vehicles. It was noted as being 5.5 metres which was the adoptable standard

·         There was no car parking for visitors but many plots had extra parking provision

·         Open spaces would be maintained through the Section 106 agreement or by agreement with local residents and the developer would provide a plan to the Council on how this would work

·         The landscaping would help with noise pollution from the bypass

·         Provision of water supply would have been consulted on at the outline stage and the supplier would have advised if there was an issue


Councillor Browne proposed to approve the application with a request that the applicant and officers look to redesign the tandem parking particularly on the corner plot. Councillor Higgins seconded.




That application 19/01291/REM be APPROVED subject to


(1)  consideration to redesign the tandem parking on the corner plot;


(2)  the conditions as set out in Appendix C;


(3)  completion of a variation to the Section 106 agreement to amend the affordable housing provision to an on site provision and the removal of the off site affordable housing contribution only.






The proposal accords with the requirements of Policies SS1 and SS2 which emphasise the need to provide housing in locations that can take advantage of sustainable travel and make appropriate provision for parking and ensure that there is not a significant impact caused to the Highway network. 


Asfordby is a ‘Service Centre’ in the Local Plan, with housing allocations of 225 dwellings.  This site is a housing allocation identified by Policy C1 (A) as ASF2 and is suitable for accommodating 55 dwellings.


The site has outline planning permission including access. There are no objections from the Local Highway Authority, County Ecologist, Archaeologist or the Lead Local Flood Authority subject to conditions. The development is in keeping with the character of the area and would not have a significant impact on neighbouring residential amenity. Contributions towards improvements to infrastructure can mitigate the impact of development and affordable housing is provided in excess of the policy requirement.

Supporting documents: