Agenda item


To consider proposed amendments to the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules. The updated Contract Procedure Rules set out the principles, roles and processes involved in procurement at the Council


Councillor Freer-Jones, Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement, presented a report to consider proposed amendments to the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and moved the recommendation. She then drew Members’ attention to the following:


·           These new rules had been subject to extensive review by Welland Procurement to ensure they reflected changes in the Law, best practice and changes required that result from internal reviews on how the Council operated. There had also been extensive engagement with internal stakeholders;

·           The Contract Procedure Rules were supported by the Procurement Toolkit which was intended to be a reference point for officers when undertaking a procurement exercise;

·           Cabinet also approved the 2020-2024 Annual Procurement Appraisal and Framework on 15 July 2020, which set out how the Council would promote effective procurement across the Council, as well as summarised how the Council would adopt a strategic approach to sustainable procurement based on national and regional drivers, best practice and recommendations on sustainable procurement;

·           Subject to approval, the updated Contract Procedure Rules would come in to effect from 1 September 2020, and would be incorporated into the Constitution accordingly. This deferred effective date would  allow sufficient time for Council Officers to receive training.


Councillor ORSON seconded the motion


Councillor Evans moved an amendment that the following be added to the end of the motion as follows:


‘And this document is referred back to the Audit and Standards Committee for review to include the risks and benefits to Melton Borough Council as host of the Welland procurement and providing procedures to Member Councils.’


Councillor Pritchett seconded the amendment.


Councillor Freer-Jones sought clarity on the validity of the amendment from the Monitoring Officer and it was established that the amendment was acceptable as it was not in disagreement with the document but was adding to the existing motion.


(The Mayor lost remote connection, the meeting was silent whilst waiting for the Mayor to re-join and he regained connection after a short period.)


Councillor Pritchett explained his reasoning for the amendment which was to refer the document back to the Audit and Standards Committee  for further review to consider risks as well as other concerns relating to procedures which he felt needed more detail and depth. If the amendment was not accepted he would vote against the motion and ask for his vote to be recorded.


The Leader felt the document had previously been reviewed and reflected best practice therefore he would vote for the motion.


Councillor Freer-Jones felt that the amendment could have been previously raised to enable more preparation and a discussion on what was required. As it stood she felt unclear as to what was requested.


It was suggested that the review could go through the proposed new Constitution Review Working Group and this would be the appropriate way forward for a constitutional matter. Councillor Freer-Jones accepted this approach.


However Councillor Evans felt that the Audit and Standards Committee was best qualified to review this type of document and his amendment stood although he understood the Constitution Review Working Group would consider the document for inclusion in the Constitution. Councillor Pritchett was in agreement with this approach.


On being put to the vote, the amendment was carried.




To APPROVE the updated Contract Procedure Rules as attached in Appendix A, with an implementation date of 1st September 2020 (to allow sufficient time for Council Officers to receive training) and this document is referred back to the Audit and Standards Committee for review to include the risks and benefits to Melton Borough Council as host of the Welland procurement and providing procedures to Member Councils.

Supporting documents: