Agenda item


Motion proposed by Councillor Orson and Councillor Browne


The Council resolves :


To reaffirm its commitment to promoting equality and fairness for all, and condemns any and all forms of racism; wherever it is found.


As a Council to challenge ourselves to do more and commit to do the following


·         Develop our councillors and workforce and take time to learn more about racism and understand the impact on our communities.

·         Deliver the objectives set out in the Corporate Equalities Policy;

·         Ask the Council’s Scrutiny Committee to consider the government’s recently published “Covid-19: Understanding the impact on BAME communities” report and consider the implications for Council services and the community and make recommendations to Cabinet as to how the Council should respond; and

·         Designate one elected member as an Equalities Champion who will work with the Council’s Equalities lead officer on this agenda, providing further challenge and support to officers, Cabinet and Council as appropriate


In support of the motion, Councillor Orson said


·         ‘We live in unprecedented times, but despite the heavy burden placed upon us all by this crisis, I am incredibly proud of how both our community and this council has responded. Melton is an amazing place and it is a great privilege to live here and serve here, but we cannot ignore that covid-19 will mean that the things which make our communities unequal will become even more pronounced;

·         Now more than ever we will need to redouble our efforts to challenge disadvantage and discrimination and ensure we lead from the front in seeking a fair and inclusive society for all;

·         The tragic death of George Floyd and the outpouring of concern expressed by millions across the country highlights the very real issues that many face and reminds us that we must not be complacent, and that we must keep up the fight against racism, discrimination and inequality;

·         As a Council we need to continuously challenge ourselves, by asking what we can do better, we must create an environment where everyone, from any racial background feels able to speak up and expose racism with the confidence that the Council will respond in a supportive and proactive way.  We must better understand the views of those who feel disadvantaged in our society and we must seek out and tackle discrimination and prejudice wherever it exists. We should not re-write our history but must learn from mistakes of the past and ensure they are not repeated;

·         We must recognise the unconscious bias within us all, which will shape our thinking and influence our behaviours, and which can lead to inadvertent discrimination. And let’s be clear, whether intentional or not, discrimination is discrimination and we must all take responsibility for the impact of our own biases and prejudices and work to combat them;

·         This Council welcomes and values the diversity of its workforce, the people and the communities in the Borough, and everyone who uses our services. The strength of our organisation comes from the richness of our diversity and all that we can learn from each other. We are all worthy of respect and dignity, and all of us should be judged by our actions not by the colour of our skin or any other innate characteristic.  We must work hard to promote inclusivity and celebrate diversity, I know that we are working hard to achieve this throughout the organisation, but we must continue to look for ways in which we can improve;

·         As leaders of this organisation we must not shy away from difficult conversations, but rather foster an environment where questions can be asked and honest self-reflection encouraged. We should recognise these are complex issues and should approach them with gentle humility, rather than arrogance and pomposity. We should encourage debate and discussion such that we collectively learn and develop, rather than becoming more entrenched in our views.  Through our collective dialogue and determination to do better and tackle discrimination we can respond to any inadequacies with an optimistic spirit and positive action;

·         I would therefore request that Members join me in supporting the following motion.’


The Council resolves :


To reaffirm its commitment to promoting equality and fairness for all, and condemns any and all forms of racism and all discrimination; wherever it is found.


As a Council to challenge ourselves to do more and commit to do the following


·         Develop our councillors and workforce and take time to learn more about racism and understand the impact on our communities.

·         Deliver the objectives set out in the Corporate Equalities Policy;

·         Ask the Council’s Scrutiny Committee to consider the government’s recently published “Covid-19: Understanding the impact on BAME communities” report and consider the implications for Council services and the community and make recommendations to Cabinet as to how the Council should respond; and

·         Designate one elected member as an Equalities Champion who will work with the Council’s Equalities lead officer on this agenda, providing further challenge and support to officers, Cabinet and Council as appropriate


(Councillor Chandler here re-joined the meeting.)


Councillor Browne seconded the motion and relayed his personal experiences of racism from living in Northern Ireland during the troubles and emphasised how important it was for leaders to work together and ensure all people were able to integrate together.


Councillor Evans felt this was a sensitive subject area and although he supported the motion he considered there were bigger issues to deal with during the pandemic.


Several Members spoke in support of the motion and it was suggested that equalities training be arranged for Members and Officers to attend together.


Councillor Lumley also supported the motion but expressed concern regarding the media’s portrayal of the Black Lives Matters campaign. Councillor Lumley expressed his support for equal opportunities and stated that racism was not acceptable, but also believed that free speech should not be hindered and that the media should provide a more balanced representation of the issues. He felt that the Council was already doing an excellent job regarding equalities.




To reaffirm its commitment to promoting equality and fairness for all, and condemns any and all forms of racism and all discrimination; wherever it is found.


As a Council to challenge ourselves to do more and commit to do the following


·         Develop our councillors and workforce and take time to learn more about racism and understand the impact on our communities.

·         Deliver the objectives set out in the Corporate Equalities Policy;

·         Ask the Council’s Scrutiny Committee to consider the government’s recently published “Covid-19: Understanding the impact on BAME communities” report and consider the implications for Council services and the community and make recommendations to Cabinet as to how the Council should respond; and

·         Designate one elected member as an Equalities Champion who will work with the Council’s Equalities lead officer on this agenda, providing further challenge and support to officers, Cabinet and Council as appropriate




(Councillor Illingworth left the meeting during the preceding item and on leaving expressed his support for the motion and that he would have voted in favour had he been present at the time of the vote.)


(Councillor Wood left the meeting during the preceding item and did not vote thereon.)