Agenda item

Application 19/00859/OUT

Field OS6260, Canal Lane, Hose





Field OS 6260, Canal Lane, Hose


Proposed erection of 34 dwellings


The Planning Officer addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application.


It was noted that the 5 metre buffer to the hedgerow was outside the boundary.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Councillor Jenny McCulloch, Clawson, Hose and Harby Parish Council


In response to Member questions, Councillor McCulloch responded that


·         She was not aware whether or not a Housing Needs Survey had been completed but added that this was the first of 3 developments in Hose which would bring 107 houses in total if all sites were developed

·         The road narrowing feature (‘pinch point’) of the road layout was the biggest issue for the village and it would mean that some farm vehicles may not be able to get through

·         She advised that the road was only 4 metres and narrowing together with the hard curbs would create a ‘pinch point’ with no flexibility for wider vehicles. She felt line markings on the road would be a better approach to reduce speed


·         Helen Cheetham


In response to Member questions, she advised that the traffic calming measures proposed would mean she would not be able to access her own driveway with her caravan and trailer


·         Adrian Kerrison, Agent, Plumtree Homes LLP


In response to Member questions, Mr Kerrison advised that


·         The proposed road layout was driven by Leicestershire County Council and was in accordance with the Local Plan which explained that the road had to be widened and then narrowed on entry to the village, creating the ‘pinch point’

·         The road was current 4 metres and would be widened to 5 metres for approximately 100 metres when it would reduce to 3 metres and 1 lane on entry to the village

·         He would accept any change to the relevant condition to satisfy the Committee’s concerns but would not wish to have the application deferred


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery advised that the condition could be deleted or amended to reflect a different layout design depending on the Committee’s view.


(Councillor Chandler was away from the meeting for some of the speaker presentations due to remote connectivity issues and re-joined the meeting at this point.  It was confirmed that Councillor Chandler could hear the proceedings although she was not on video.)


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery advised that the Parish Councillor’s request for a  S106 in respect of play equipment would not be possible as it could not be assessed as to whether it complied with CIL regulations at such a late stage in the application’s journey and the absence of any detail explaining its relationship with the proposal, therefore this request would have to be declined.


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery advised that officers could work with the Leicestershire County Council for a softer more sympathetic highways scheme which was less urbanised than the proposal and this type of approach had been followed on previous applications. The revised scheme would need to be submitted and approved by the Leicestershire Highway Authority and a condition could be added to that effect.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         There was concern for the existing road layout and the width of the road at the entry to the village not being wide enough for farm vehicles and local use

·         It was felt that 14 x 4 bed properties was too much for the village but the housing mix would be confirmed at the reserved matters stage

·         It was noted that the Local Plan allowed for 4 bed properties if these were subservient to others

·         Members felt that the agent had showed compromise on the ‘pinch point’ in the road and congratulated him on his support for local community concerns in agreeing to work with officers to resolve this matter

·         Although there was support for the development, a few Members had reservations that smaller and more affordable homes were needed in villages


Councillor Browne proposed the recommendations in the report with a condition to work with the Leicestershire Highway Authority to vary the road layout to be more sympathetic to users in the local community. Councillor Posnett seconded the motion.




That application 19/00859/OUT be APPROVED with a condition to work with the Leicestershire Highway Authority to vary the gateway feature on Canal Lane to be more sympathetic to the rural character of the area and subject to existing conditions and a Section 106 Agreement (as set out in the report) to secure contributions towards:


(a)  Primary and secondary education provision.

(b)  Contribution to sustainable transport options.

(c)  Contribution towards waste services.

(d)  NHS contribution






The application site is allocated for housing in the Melton Borough Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan and two extant outline planning permissions have been granted previously for the erection of 41 dwellings. The principle of the development is considered acceptable subject to detail provided in a future reserved matters application.


Access from Canal Lane can be provided in accordance with Local Highway Authority Design Guidance and subject to conditions there would be no significant adverse impact on highway safety.

Supporting documents: