Agenda item

Application 19/01113/FUL

Field OS 8695, Brooksby Road, Hoby





Field OS 8695, Brooksby Road, Hoby


Erection of four affordable dwellings and the re-location of the children’s play area


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Councillor Stuart Robinson, Chair, Hoby with Rotherby Parish Council


(Councillor Chandler here re-joined the meeting. The Legal Advisor explained that Councillor Chandler could not take part in the debate nor vote as she had not been present for the whole application.)


·         Colin Wilkinson, Agent, Planit-X Town and Country Planning Services Limited


It was noted that this and the planning application relating to Brooksby College were following independent courses and were not connected.


With regard to there being limited access to public transport, it was advised that the criteria for affordable housing, although desirable, was not reliant on the provision of public transport.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Members felt the affordable housing was a positive scheme but the relocation of the children’s play area was a negative for the development and it was the balance between the two which was the main subject of discussion

·         The relocation of the play area was felt to be detrimental to the application being nearest to the sewage works and in a notoriously wet area of the site and made the development contrary to policy D1

·         It was felt that the developer needed to review the needs of the village and the environmental impact of the play area’s relocation in liaison with the Parish Council, Ward Councillor and local community and return with an improved scheme

·         Members were in agreement with the officer recommendation to refuse the application and were minded to include other policies that they felt were in conflict with the application, being policies D1, C7 and C9 and SS3

·         The Assistant Director advised that robust planning reasons were needed for adding each extra policy to the refusal and they needed to be defendable at appeal

·         It was felt that policy D1 was not an appropriate reason for refusal in this case

·         There was concern that there could be too many affordable homes in Brooksby


Councillor Holmes proposed that the application be refused in accordance with the recommendation and also being in conflict with policies C7, C9 and SS3. Councillor Steadman seconded the motion.




That application 19/01113/FUL be REFUSED in accordance with the recommendation and also being in conflict with policies C7, C9 on the basis of the impact on the play area as a community facility and feature of the village, and SS3 with respect to the ‘proven need’ for the dwellings.


(9 for, 1 against, 1 abstention)




1.     The proposal comprised the provision of four affordable houses where a need had been identified for the type of housing proposed. However permission existed which was deliverable at an alternative site within close proximity to meet that need and as such there was no need for this particular proposed development which is contrary to Policy C5 and SS3 of the Adopted Local Plan relating to unmet need.


2.    The proposal would fail to protect the exiting community facility in the form of the play area, proposed to be relocated to a inferior location. It is therefore considered to be contrary to Policy C7 of the Adopted Melton Local Plan 2018.


3.    The proposal would result in the loss of a valuable and accessible green space which makes a positive contribution to the health and well being of the community of Hoby. It is therefore contrary to Policies C9 and D1 of the Adopted Melton Local Plan 2018.

Supporting documents: