Agenda item

Application 20/00102/FUL

Former Southfields Farm, Church Lane, Somerby





Former Southfields Farm, Church Lane, Somerby


Erection of 10 dwellings and associated turning head


(Councillor Higgins declared his intention speak as Ward Councillor on this application and here left the Committee and moved into the public speaking gallery.)


The Planning Officer addressed the Committee and provided a summary of application.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Councillor Carl Powell, Somerby Parish Council


·         Barbara Yandell, Objector


In response to a Member question on the rewilding area, Ms Yandell  responded that although unsure how this would be managed, she considered the developer or Parish Council could maintain the rewilding area in the scheme.


·         Richard Cooper, Agent, HSSP


In response to Member questions, Mr Cooper advised that


·      The intention of the developer was to offer the rewilding paddock to the 2 largest plots and the maintenance would fall to those owners

·      The management of the shared  green areas would be the responsibility of the whole development and would be included by legal agreement when the plots were sold

·      As the rewilding area adjoined the 2 largest plots and they had access, view and most benefitted from the rewilding area, it was most logical for these plots to be offered sole custody of the paddock and not be subject to the development’s green area management agreement

·      The developer had right of access via Owston Road to the site during the construction of the development only


·         Councillor Leigh Higgins  – Ward Councillor


With regard to emergency services access to the site, the Planning Officer advised that this was covered at page 23 of the report and the requisite access was available. He also advised there were 2 bungalows on the development not 3 as mentioned by the agent.


The Assistant Director responded to the request for a condition relating to the protection of the rewilding area against a future planning application and advised that a condition didn’t offer the security sought as the Council could not prevent a planning application in the future for any site and only a S106 agreement had such powers.


There was concern that the owners of plots 8 and 9 would be able to landscape the rewilding area to their own design. The Assistant Director advised that that would constitute a change of use and be the subject of the usual planning controls.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         There was a turning area included in the layout of the development which meant residents would be able to enter and leave in a forward direction which would assist road movements for neighbours and other users on Church Lane

·         The affordable housing provision was felt to be generous as was the S106 agreement to contribute to local education

·         The rewilding area would enhance the development

·         There was concern as to what would happen to the rewilding areas if the purchasers of plots 8 and 9 did not want to buy them. The Assistant  Director advised there was provision in condition 4 for that eventuality

·         Members were satisfied that the Parish and Ward Councillors had worked with the land owner to reach the optimum development on the site with local community benefit

·         Members’ main concern was the rewilding area and how this would be retained and managed in the future and it was felt that a stronger condition was needed to ensure this commitment was in place

·         An additional condition was proposed as follows: to create a rewilding site to the south of the development next to plots 8 and 9 and this remain a rewilding site in perpetuity with a maintenance plan going forward


Councillor Holmes proposed the recommendation in the report with an additional condition to create a rewilding site to the south of the development next to plots 8 and 9 and this remain a rewilding site in perpetuity with a maintenance plan. Councillor Chandler seconded the motion.




That application 20/00102/FUL be APPROVED subject to:


(1)   conditions and completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure contributions towards:


(i)   Primary and secondary education provision;

(ii) The Provision of 1 x discount market Home, held in perpetuity and sold at no more than 65% of the open market value;


(2)  an additional condition to create a rewilding site to the south of the development next to plots 8 and 9 and this remain a rewilding site in perpetuity with a maintenance plan.






The proposal would represent a sustainable form of small scale residential development that would be considered acceptable under the provisions of Policies SS1 and SS2 of the Melton Local Plan. The site currently benefitted from an extant outline permission for 12 dwellings.


The proposal as revised would result in a form of development that would be sympathetic to the character of the locality by virtue of its appearance, design, layout and scale and would not compromise residential amenity or be prejudicial to highway safety. The development would also raise no significant, adverse impact on ecology or archaeology grounds that would warrant refusal. For these reasons, the proposal was considered to comply with the relevant policies of the Melton Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework, and no harm was considered to arise following the giving of special attention to avoiding harm to heritage assets required by s66 and s72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


(Councillor Higgins here re-joined the Committee.)

Supporting documents: