Agenda item

Application 19/01302/FUL

Land West of Main Street, Stathern





Land West of Main Street, Stathern


Demolition of agricultural buildings and the erection of 74 dwellings, together with access into the site from Main Street, and open space, landscaping and drainage infrastructure


(Councillor Steadman declared her intention to speak as Ward Councillor on this application and here left the Committee and moved into the public speaking gallery.)


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application. He advised that one further objection had been received which referred to despite the amendments the plot 8 bungalow was still very close to the boundary of the Walnut Close properties, the development was considered to be too suburban and too dense containing 74 properties instead of the 65 referenced in the Local Plan, absence of maintenance for the rundle beck and that presentation to the Committee was premature as there were still matters requiring resolution.


He updated the Committee on consultations which remained the same as in the report with a further comment from the Highway Authority that impact on the wider road network would not be severe.


He conveyed Ward Councillor Chris Evans’ views to the Committee as follows:


·         Condition be added for solar cell insulation capability

·         Condition be added for capability for electric car parking points

·         He supported the Parish Council’s view on the footbridge given its contribution to connectivity


The Assistant Director referred to potential updates to the Section 106 Agreement relating to play equipment and the footbridge. He referred to a request for offsite play equipment and although the applicant had already included onsite play equipment, they would make a contribution for offsite play equipment instead if Members were in agreement and that the onsite equipment was not needed. The  footbridge link could also be included in the Section 106 should Members determine this was required. To be included in the Section 106 Agreement, Members needed to include these items in their decision.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Kenneth Bray, Stathern Parish Council


In response to a Member question which queried whether £10,000 could fund a substantial footbridge, Mr Bray responded that a quote had been received for that amount.


·         Guy Longley, Pegasus Group


·         Councillor Steadman, Ward Councillor


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Members were impressed by the positivity of the speakers and how far they had come since the application was last presented to the Committee in September. They had all worked together to bring a mutually beneficial application for the Committee to consider for approval

·         It was felt to be a great example of the Parish Council and Ward Councillor showing leadership and being a beacon example of what could be achieved through dialogue together and with the applicant. Additional benefits had come forward in the form of the footbridge and offsite play equipment which would of great community value


Councillor Faulkner proposed the recommendations in the report in addition to an update to the Section 106 agreement for a contribution to offsite play equipment in place of the onsite play equipment and to fund and construct a connecting footbridge link. Councillor Holmes seconded the motion.




Planning application be APPROVED subject to conditions and a Section 106 Agreement to secure contributions towards:


(i)            Affordable housing including local priority

(ii)          Funding Traffic Calming on Mill Hill

(iii)         Primary and secondary education provision*

(iv)         Contribution to sustainable transport options

(v)          Contribution towards waste services

(vi)         NHS contribution

(vii)       Contribution to the War Memorial Institute upgrading and expansion*

(viii)      Contribution towards additional play equipment at the Stathern recreation area*

(ix)         Footbridge link

(sums as set out at section 6 of the original report comprised in Appendix B, as amended by the sums conveyed at para 2.8 of the report (amendments marked with *)






The application site is allocated for housing in the Melton Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan. The proposal provides adequate access and is satisfactory in terms of layout, design, provision of open space etc.


The proposal can proceed without undue impact on surrounding properties and an infrastructure capacity can be maintained through developer contributions. The development would make a contribution to current parking issues on Main Street through the Planning Report 19/00741/FUL - Field OS 4011, Tofts Hill, Stathern provision of 12 additional parking spaces and traffic calming being introduced for traffic approaching Stathern from Mill Hill travelling north west, to the benefit of traffic conditions generally as well as those directly associated with the development.


The amendments to the application (21st September 2020) further enhance the development and are of benefit to the impact on surrounding residential property.


(Councillor Steadman here re-joined the Committee.)

Supporting documents: