Agenda item

Application 19/00245/REM

Land off Field OS 0002, Leicester Road, Melton Mowbray






Land off Field OS 0002, Leicester Road Melton Mowbray


Approval of reserved matters for 233 dwellings (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) related to Phase 1 of the outline approval 15/00910/OUT for the erection of a total of 520 dwellings (the wider approved development) and provision of drainage associated infrastructure and public open space (Phase 1 of 17/00717/VAC /15/00910/OUT

The Planning Policy Manager addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the improvements and amendments to the site following design workshops and meetings between the developer and officers since the application had first been considered by the Committee in November 2019. She advised that tandem parking had been addressed where possible, visitor parking spaces and open spaces had been added as well as some connectivity to the Kirby Fields Park.


It was noted that the housing mix was top heavy with 4 bed homes as there was no agreement on the breakdown at the outline application stage. 25 affordable units were included in the housing mix also agreed at the outline stage, the detail of which was included in a condition which would not specify tenure split until the condition was discharged. Therefore the tenure mix had not yet been determined as the condition had not been discharged. It was expected that the breakdown would be in accordance with the Affordable Housing SPD but Members could  make their wishes known at the meeting and these may be taken into account.


The Planning Policy Manager was complimented on her presentation skills and sound advice to Members.


Due to the Highway Authority’s condition relating to drainage being considered ultra vires as it should have been agreed at the outline stage, there was concern as to the drainage arrangements on the site. The Planning Policy Manager responded that the lead flood authority had raised no concerns and the site levels would be raised where needed in accordance with the plans.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Robert Galij, Planning Director, Barratt David Wilson Homes


It was noted that although there was some open space as well as the green attenuation plot on the site, it was expected that residents would use the adjoining Kirby Fields Park as recreational space and there was no contribution for offsite recreational space.


During discussion the following points were noted:

·         It was felt that the developer had met the minimum standard that was requested and there was no generosity in the development

·         There was concern as to whether all the roads were to be adopted and it was noted that some smaller roads were not

·         It was considered whether there could be a condition to stop those with a garage instead of a parking space converting the garage into other accommodation as this would have a knock on effect to street parking and it was understood that permitted development rights could be removed to help with this

·         There weren’t enough green areas for all ages of people to meet up and children to play nor a contribution to recreation for the town

·         It was felt that the design was poor, houses were small, parking was still an issue and there was a lack of open space

·         Being the third time before the Committee, it was still felt to not meet the NPPF standard and national design guide nor policy D1. The changes made so far were appreciated but the applicant had not gone far enough to create a good quality design for Melton to live with for the next 50 years 

·         It would have been worthwhile for the developer to have met with the Ward Councillors and Planning Officers at the outset to understand what was expected

·         It was felt the road network within the development would be busy and children from the opposite side of the development would have to walk across the estate to reach the Kirby Fields Park


Councillor Higgins proposed that the application be refused for the following reason :


‘The Reserved Matters application has not sufficiently demonstrated that it would result in a form of development that would deliver good quality design and be sympathetic to the character of the locality by virtue of its appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. As such the proposal is considered to conflict with the criteria set out within Policies D1 of the Melton Local Plan, and design matters as set out within the revised National Planning Policy Framework (2019) and the advice set out within the National Design Guide.’


Councillor Holmes seconded.




Application 19/00245/REM be refused for the following reason:


‘The Reserved Matters application has not sufficiently demonstrated that it would result in a form of development that would deliver good quality design and be sympathetic to the character of the locality by virtue of its appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. As such the proposal is considered to conflict with the criteria set out within Policies D1 of the Melton Local Plan, and design matters as set out within the revised National Planning Policy Framework (2019) and the advice set out within the National Design Guide.’



Supporting documents: