Agenda item

Application 19/00256/FUL

Land north of 55 Main Street, Kirby Bellars





Land north of 55 Main Street, Kirby Bellars


Erection of 3 two bed single storey detached dwellings and associated access and landscaping


(Councillor Browne declared his intention to speak as Ward Councillor on this application and here left the Committee and moved into the public speaking gallery.)


The Planning Development Manager addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application. She advised that the application was previously considered by the Committee in October 2019 and was deferred to allow for further information on housing needs in Kirby Bellars to be presented. A Housing Needs Survey had since been provided and a full review of this assessment was contained with the report.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Cllr Angus Smith, Kirby Bellars Parish Council


·         Mrs J E Dolan, Applicant


·         Cllr Ronan Browne, Ward Councillor


In response to a Member question, Councillor Browne responded that with regard to the affordable property, he would work with the officers on the requirements for the provision and have it marketed locally for local people. The property would be a discount market home and would be the only one on the development to be subject to restrictions.


It was queried as to marketing the property towards families when there was no play area in Kirby Bellars. Councillor Browne considered that the property was close to Frisby which had a play area and there were rural footpaths around the village to access other villages and facilities.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Members felt it was a good application and the affordable housing was a positive offer. It was felt that the development would bring much needed new blood and younger people to the village

·         It was noted that a Section 106 Agreement would be needrf for the requirements of the discount market home and local connection occupancy criteria, and  the Assistant Director advised that there was standard text that could be adapted should Members require this

·         It was agreed that the discount market home should be maintained as such in perpetuity

·         Members were encouraged that the Parish Council, Ward Councillor and developer were all in agreement that there was a consensus that the development was desirable

·         Members considered the terms of the Section 106 Agreement should be agreed between Officers and the Ward Councillor

·         It was felt to be acceptable for a departure from the Local Plan in this instance because although not a prefect fit in relation to identified needs, there was  a shortage of affordable properties and the housing needs survey had outlined a need for one storey properties

·         The reason to approve against the officer recommendation was considered to reflect that it was a borderline case for sustainability as there were good transport links to the village and to take up the offer of a much needed discount market home

·         The development was felt to not only encourage a young family to live in the village but also to provide one storey accommodation for elderly residents to enable them to remain in their community

·         One Councillor felt that the village was not sustainable for a young family due to the lack of facilities for young children but was supportive of the bungalows for the over 55s


(Councillor Chandler experienced digital connection issues throughout the application. It was reported she could hear and speak during most of the item but could not see the Committee or be seen. Due to these connectivity issues, it was noted that she would abstain at the vote.)


Councillor Posnett proposed the  application be approved subject to a Section 106 Agreement for the discount market home with an occupancy restriction, the details of which to be finalised in consultation with the Ward Councillor. Councillor Steadman seconded the motion.


RESOLVED that, contrary to the Officer recommendation,


Planning application 19/00256/FUL be APPROVED subject to a Section 106 Agreement for the discount market home with occupancy restriction to those with a local connection, the details of which to be finalised in consultation with the Ward Councillor.


(9 for, 1 abstention due to connectivity issues)


(Councillor Browne here re-joined the Committee.)

Supporting documents: