Agenda item

Application 20/00652/REM

Field OS 3500, Hecadeck Lane, Nether Broughton





Field OS 3500 Hecadeck Lane Nether Broughton


Erection of 20 dwellings relating to the approval of reserved

matters being access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following the grant of outline permission reference 15/01019/OUT (Residential development of up to 25 dwellings)


The Planning Development Manager addressed the Committee and provided an update on the application as follows:


·         There had been further discussions with the agent who considered access had already been granted at outline stage and had submitted a revised statement for review however the local planning authority were satisfied that all matters were reserved, including access, at the outline planning application stage

·         A response from the local lead flood authority had been received and they were satisfied that the application demonstrated adequate surface water drainage

·         The LLFA had requested additional information regarding the outfall from the site and this information would be required to discharge condition 7 of the outline planning permission and  considered at that point

·         With regard to outstanding highway layout matters, further information  on visibility and tracking had been received and the Highway Authority had confirmed that the tracking was acceptable and the internal layout was to an adoptable standard. The Highway Authority had  requested a stage 1 road safety audit to be submitted which would identify any design concerns. This was the only outstanding matter on highways. It should be noted that if the application was approved, the final decision would need to be delegated to officers subject to the satisfactory provision of a road safety audit

·         The Parish Council had made a further representation that they had significant concerns relating to the infrastructure of linking the application site to the rest of the village and they considered a full pavement making this connection was the responsibility of the developer


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery further reported that some matters connected to the access and specifically the inclusion of a footpath were not part of the reserved matters application and would need to be the subject of a separate design submission under a condition of the outline permission  and therefore would be considered at a later date. Should the Committee request it, the Ward Councillor could be involved in any footpath design discussions.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Councillor George Schmidt, Nether Broughton & Old Dalby Parish Council


·         Piers Flavin, Objector


·         Daniel Browne, Agent, Grace Homes


·         Councillor Joe Orson, Ward Councillor


In response to a Member question concerning using his local knowledge to have involvement in the footpath design, Councillor Orson confirmed his agreement.


It was noted that the layby/gateway close to the site was not part of the application site. There was concern about access to the pumping station should cars be parked in the layby/gateway.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Overall Members had no objection to the development but had concerns regarding the provision of a suitable footpath

·         Members considered there were currently safety concerns but felt reassured that a footpath would be the subject of a later issue and discussion with the developer

·         It was considered appropriate that the Ward Councillor be included in these discussions and it was assumed that the Parish Council would also have some involvement

·         It was requested that the hedging should be a native species, specifically hawthorn was preferred

·         The housing mix was considered good and the application included biodiversity enhancements which were welcomed and it was hoped that other developers would follow this example


(Councillor Pritchett joined the meeting during the Planning Development Manager’s introduction and due to his late arrival and not having heard all of the update, it was noted that he would abstain at the vote. This position was confirmed as appropriate by the Legal Advisor.)


(Councillor Chandler experienced digital connection issues throughout the application. It was reported she could hear and speak during most of the item but could not see the Committee or be seen. Due to these connectivity issues, it was noted that she would abstain at the vote.)


Councillor Holmes proposed the application be approved subject to provision of a native hedge within the conditions and delegated to officers for the additional information requested by the LLFA and Highway Authority as well as the Ward Councillor being involved in the footpath design. Councillor Higgins seconded the motion.




(a)       Application 20/00652/REM be DELEGATED FOR APPROVAL to the Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery subject to :


(i)      the conditions as set out in Appendix C to include a native hedge in the landscaping condition;

(ii)     additional information regarding the outfall from the site and this information would be required to discharge condition 7 of the outline planning permission and  considered at that point;

(iii)   satisfactory provision of a road safety audit;


(b)      The Ward Councillor take part in the access and footpath   discussions upon the submission of that future ‘discharge of condition’ application.


(8 for, 3 abstentions (1 abstention due to connectivity issues))




The application is recommended for approval as the principle of residential development is established and the amended plans have demonstrated a satisfactory housing mix in accordance with local needs. The layout, scale and design of the development is in keeping with the area and would not have a significant adverse impact on neighbouring residential amenity. The house type designs are traditional and suitably reflect the rural vernacular. Outstanding issues of highway safety and biodiversity are addressed through the submission of amended plans.

Supporting documents: