Agenda item

Application 20/01095/FUL

Tofts Hill, Stathern





Fields OS 5000 And 5812, Tofts Hill, Stathern


Demolition of redundant barns and their replacement with a single dwelling house (Class C3)


(Councillor Steadman declared her intention to speak as Ward Councillor on this application and here left the Committee and moved into the public speaking gallery.)


The Planning Development Manager addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and summarised that the  recommendation was for refusal.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Kenneth Bray, Stathern Parish Council


In response to a Member question on whether the village would accept the existing barns falling into disrepair and how would this affect the landscape. Mr Bray responded that the barns were currently not in disrepair and were part of the landscape.


The Legal Advisor added that the local authority could serve notice if the condition of the of a building had a harmful effect on the surrounding area.


A Member pointed out that although the village had the view of Tofts Hill, it did not own the area.


·         Rob Hughes, Hughes Planning


There was a Member query as to potential for more than two vehicles using the forecourt. Mr Hughes responded that it could take additional vehicles should this be needed in the future. He referred to the forecourt as a turning area so that vehicles could drive in and out forward facing and there were no highway issues raised.


A Member asked how the development could bring economic and other benefits to Stathern above and beyond any other development. Mr Hughes responded that it would contribute to economic investment to the Council as well as create jobs in the construction phase, contribute to Council tax, use of the village school and being a part of the local community, save on commuter travel as the applicant already lived in Stathern and there were wider economic benefits too.


·         Councillor Steadman, Ward Councillor


At a Member’s request, the Planning Development Officer recapped on the presentation and development proposals.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Should the development be exceptional, how would the Council view the application in light of previous appeal dismissals. It was noted that the Committee could only consider the proposal before them. Also the category of a building of exceptional quality was one which was of outstanding or innovative design which would significantly enhance the local area. A Councillor felt this design enhanced the local area more than what was there however the Legal Advisor disagreed and considered the application did not meet the exceptional development criteria

·         There was mention of light intrusion and the impact of domestication and urbanisation of the site on the village

·         It was noted that agricultural barns could be distracting and become an eyesore on the landscape and there was a balance to be made on saving the barns or the landscape

·         It was felt the design and landscaping were good but the development was in the wrong place and it did not conform to Local Plan policies

·         If the design was less domesticated with natural wood buildings and materials, it may blend better into the surroundings

·         Concerned at the domestication of the site

·         The history of the site was mentioned in that there had been 2 appeal dismissals and this particular development and site did not meet the policy conditions


Councillor Browne proposed the recommendations in the report and Councillor Chandler seconded the motion.




Planning application 20/01095/FUL be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1. In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposed development Planning Report 20/01095/FUL - Field OS 5000 And 5812, Tofts Hill, Stathern would result in the introduction of residential development that would occupy a detached location outside of the built up confines of Stathern. The site is adjacent to the Conservation Area and contributes to the rural setting of the village of which the introduction of residential development and associated paraphernalia, by virtue of its scale, form and mass, would disrupt. As such, the proposal would have adverse impacts upon the character of the local area, wider landscape and Conservation Area. For these reasons, the proposal is considered to conflict with Policies EN1, EN6 and EN13 of the Melton Local Plan and as such would not represent a form of suitable windfall residential development as stated in Policies SS1 and SS2 of the Melton Local Plan.




(Councillor Steadman here re-joined the Committee.)

Supporting documents: