Agenda item

Application 20/00394/OUT

Field OS 5629, Holwell Lane, Melton Mowbray





Field OS 5629, From A606 Nottingham Road To Holwell Lane, Melton Mowbray


Rural workers dwelling and secure workshop storage building (outline - all matters reserved)


The Development Planning Manager addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application. She advised that the application was recommended for refusal.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Jason Tearne, Applicant


In response to Member queries on how long the applicant intended to run the business from the location, how it would enhance employment and growth in the area other than for him and his family, Mr Tearne responded that he intended to remain there for 30 years and recruit staff to pass on skills and experience to enable the business to grow and continue.


Mr Tearne also advised that security had been an issue and he needed to live on site to protect his plant and equipment.


·         Councillor Orson, Ward Councillor


Councillor Orson spoke in support of permitting the application and felt it was important to support business growth in the rural areas.


The Planning Development Manager referred to relevant policies especially on the question of a work related dwelling and it was felt this application did not meet policy D3 nor was security of the site a criteria in determining whether a dwelling was needed on a site. She also referred to the report which explained the reasoning for the recommendation and advised that Members needed to add weight to their concerns and balance these against the policies.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         It was considered that rural businesses should be supported and policies reviewed to accommodate these with an understanding for a tied dwelling if required to help with security and sustainability

·         There was other Member agreement to support accommodation on site with flexibility on any tie to the dwelling so that the applicant was not financially penalised should they need to diversify arrangements

·         The Planning Development Manager advised that a suitable condition to reflect Members’ wishes could be included

·         It was noted that rural crime was an issue for farms and rural businesses and insurance premiums were high if there wasn’t enough security in place

·         The historic logging and hedge laying skills presented in the application were essential to retain and pass on to future generations

·         It was noted this was not an agricultural business and conditions around the dwelling should be varied accordingly

·         It was considered a noisy business which was best placed in the open countryside so as not to interfere with neighbour amenity and should be supported

·         It was considered a  profitable and sustainable  business that would enhance the rural economy and be there for years to come

·         It was felt the application did meet policy D3 and was supported by the NPPF and the Local Plan

·         It was noted that the application met NNPF 83B and 84 and it was important to reflect on the bigger picture ie. with a possible recession looming due to the pandemic,  there would be a need to develop and plant woodland, plan biodiversity and upskill the younger generation.

·         This business was more sustainable than most and supported the rural economy

·         The Legal Advisor considered the application did not comply with policy D3

·         In the event that should Members be minded to approve the application,  it was noted that conditions which might be appropriate had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting

·         There was discussion on the content of a condition in relation to occupation and the following was agreed with the Planning Development Manager:


’The occupation of the dwelling be limited to a person solely or mainly working on or within the adjacent business site (business name)’.


Councillor Chandler proposed to approve the application against the officer recommendation to encourage the rural economy, rural business and rural craft, expansion of the rural economy, maintaining an existing business and existing residential nature of the site, in accordance with Policy D3 of the local plan and NPPF 83B and 84. Also due to the local nature of the existing business in a built up area of a residential development and subject to conditions 1-7 as previously circulated and set out below including condition 7 specifically to read as follows:


‘The occupation of the dwelling be limited to a person solely or mainly working on or within the adjacent business site (business name)’.


Councillor Faulkner seconded the motion.


RESOLVED that contrary to the Officer recommendation,


Planning application 20/00394/OUT be APPROVED subject to conditions including the following :


‘The occupation of the dwelling shall be limited to a person with responsibility for the day to day management, solely or mainly working, or last working, in the adjacent tree surgeon business site (or a widow or widower of such a person, and to any resident dependants).’



Supporting documents: