Agenda item


To consider the Forward Plan and identify any relevant items for

inclusion in the Scrutiny work plan, or to request further information.


Copies of the latest Forward Plan will be available at the meeting. It

can be found on the website using the following link:-


Forward Plan


Councillor Cumbers introduced the Scrutiny Workplan and the  Cabinet Forward Plan and reminded Members that it lists the key decisions due to be discussed at Cabinet over the next three months.


During the discussion the following points were noted:


·         The Democratic Services Manager advised members that the Scrutiny workshop indicates the format of the different reports brought to Scrutiny:

Ø  a one off report is an initial report where members may just offer recommendations to Council and take no further action or may agree to investigate further and it would be included on the plan for a later date.

Ø  Task and Finish Group reports are more in depth and could be short or long term items

Ø  Scrutiny may ask to review and comment on Cabinet reports before they are presented to Cabinet

Ø  The Report may be in the form of  a presentation.


·         Councillor Cumbers advised that following Cabinet on 16 December 2020 approving the recommendations in respect to the Council Asset Development Programme, she would be proposing to add the Asset Development Programme to the Workplan to consider the following:


Ø  Review of the options and what the committee feel is the best fit for Melton. This can include: do nothing; sell as it is or develop.

Ø  From the capital receipts raised, after costs, what objectives would be recommended to Cabinet to fund? Such as the Housing Company.

Ø  Review the social and economic benefits/impacts of any change (if there were any).


·         The Monitoring Officer advised Members that reports would be provided to Cabinet and Council by May 2021 appraising all the options including  the possible relocation of Me and My Learning, The Venue, Enterprise Cars and other tenants currently occupying Phoenix House. Members were at liberty to make comments through the process and were not restricted to wait until reports were presented.  Each option would provide a full report of the logistics and would take into account grant funding conditions, costings, design of other locations and refurbishment costs. Should Council agree any of these options to be taken forward then Scrutiny would be presented with the reports and invited to provide feedback and comments.

·         The Director for Growth and Regeneration would provide clarity to the staff at Phoenix House that there would be no relocation taking place during 2021.

·         Members were invited to provide feedback for any valid suggestions to officers for consideration for including in the proposals.  Members would be kept updated of the process.

·         The Director for Growth and Regeneration advised members that redevelopment of the any site would be a long term process. The Council had approved the disposal of Cattle Market North in December 2020. She advised that there the business case for Phoenix House will evolve in following costed design options considered for reconfiguration of  Parkside and the Cove to allow for relocation from Phoenix House. consultations would be taking place over the coming months and year regarding the same. The Council is yet to explore the options for the development of Phoenix House following vacant possession.




The Committee NOTED the Annual Forward Plan and agreed to the addition of the Asset Development Programme to the Scrutiny Workplan.

Supporting documents: