Agenda item


To receive a report from the Cabinet on recommendations referred to the Council for determination



The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Communities, Councillor Pearson, moved the recommendations and provided a brief introduction as follows:


·         A report was presented to the Cabinet in September 2019 which advised the need for investment in the site due to the deterioration of the playing surface

·         Atkins were authorised by the Cabinet for clarifying the funding arrangements of the investment required and assurances of the financial sustainability of the tennis provision of this Council owned asset

·         Working closely with Melton Mowbray Tennis Club, the Council’s Sports Team has secured just under £39k grant funding and has clarified this investment that the Tennis Club will be able to make including significant  fund-raising

·         This has reduced the level of investment needed by the Council into the facility from estimated £40k to £9.4k

·         As part of the overall investment of £113k (including project and management costs) working in partnership with Council Officers, the Lawn Tennis Association and the Tennis Club has provided a maintenance plan covering the use of the sinking funds both for the court replacement and in future and other ongoing yearly maintenance

·         The contractual arrangements of the Council owned site will be rationalised and the Council will enter a 24 year lease with the Melton Mowbray Tennis Club to include the usual rent reviews and break clauses to protect both parties

·         By adding the project to this year’s Capital Programme would allow for the works to finish on time for the start of the new tennis season in 2021

·         The approval of the £113k to the Capital Programme for 2021 and most of this was from the Lawn Tennis Association, the Council’s  contribution being £9.4k from capital receipts to support the remaining cost of delivering the project


Councillor Orson seconded the motion.


During debate the following points were noted :


·         The 24 year lease was considered to be comfortable for the club to manage against the investment

·         The town already had a long-standing tennis club in the town being Hamilton Tennis Club but the Melton Sports Village Tennis Club was already a very successful club and worked mainly with young people and much of the improvements had already been done. The club had hundreds of young people involved which kept them active and healthy and off the streets

·         The Council’s input was very small. If the Council did not support the scheme then the facility would deteriorate and be closed

·         There was tribute to the Sports Working Group at King Edward and how this project had developed from an obsolete and dangerous facility to a thriving tennis club

·         There were break clauses in the lease to ease any risk on both sides

·         It was confirmed monitoring would be in place however the Council was not liable for any default on payments as the funding arrangement was with the club’s trustees direct

·         It was noted that the membership was very cheap for children

·         The asset would continue to belong to the Council

·         Tribute was made to previous Deputy Chief Executive, Keith Aubrey, who had enthusiastically pioneered and steered the project until his retirement in 2020


Councillor Orson thanked both Councillors Higgins and Pearson for their contributions to this project and also reiterated the commitment and groundwork that former Deputy Chief Executive, Keith Aubrey, had made on the project to ensure its fruition.




That Council:


(1)  Approves the addition of £113,300 to the 2020/21 Capital Programme in relation to improvements at the tennis courts.


(2)  Approves that £9,400 be provided from capital receipts to support the remaining costs of delivering the project.


(25 for)


(Councillor Evans left the meeting during the introduction of this item.)

Supporting documents: