The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Communities to submit a report seeking approval to adopt a number of new policies in relation to the Council’s residential landlord function with effect from April 2021.
1) NOTED the contents of the report and the responses received to the consultation on the Policies;
the following policies effective from 1 February 2021:
Void Policy;
Tenancy Management (Legal Action) Policy;
Right to Buy Policy;
Aids and Adaptation Policy; and
Domestic Abuse Policy.
authority to the Director for Housing and Communities for:
(in relation to the Right to Buy Policy) making
an application to the Secretary of State seeking ‘rural area’ exemption for
eligible parishes within Melton Borough;
· making minor amendments and if required further amendments to reflect changes in regulation or legislation to the policies approved above.
Andrew Cotton, Director for Housing and Communities introduced the report, the purpose of which was to seek approval to adopt a number of new policies in relation to the Council’s residential landlord function with effect from April 2021.
Mr. Cotton advised that a clear and comprehensive policy framework was vital to the Council achieving its priority of high quality housing and landlord services. The policies before Members sought to address a number of high risk areas. They had been developed in consultation with colleagues in frontline services, the Legal and Finance teams, Scrutiny Committee and TFEC.
Mr. Cotton highlighted the key aspects of each policy:
· Voids Policy – this was an area of high importance for the Council, as landlords responsible the efficient letting of homes at the right time to the required standard. The Councils was committed to undertaking necessary works and capital works (kitchens, bathrooms and rewires) remained a key focus). An up to date policy statement and re-let standard was vital to delivery in this area;
· Tenancy Management Policy – provided a framework for legal action available to the Council, as a last resort and once all alternatives had been exhausted and to protect the Council and the wider community.
· Right to buy Policy – confirmed the Council's approach in preventing fraud relation right to buy and to ensure that tenants statutory rights were respected and honoured. There was also provision within the policy for the Council to apply to the Secretary of State for a ‘rural designation’ (restricting the re-sale of properties lost to right to buy). If agreed, this would apply to approximately 25% of the Council's housing stock. The areas identified were detailed at appendix C2.
· Aids and Adaptations Policy – this detailed the adaptation of existing homes, ensuring their suitability for people with need adjustments and sought to make the best use of the Council's housing stock, in order that the housing needs of tenants and the borough was met.
· Domestic Abuse Policy – drew together a number of existing practices within the Council and defined the Council's zero tellerance approach to domestic violence (supporting victims of domestic abuse and taking robust action against the perpetrators).
Councillor Alan Pearson, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Communities thanked Mr. Cotton for his work in updating these policies, in line with amended legislation and noted that thorough consultation and engagement had taken place. He highlighted that much work had been undertaken to improve the Council’s performance on void properties and the Voids Policy would strengthen this work. Concerning domestic abuse, in addition to the Policy, the Council was working with Leicestershire County Council (LCC) and other district councils on tackling domestic abuse in the form of projects such as the Perpetrator Programme. He reiterated that the Council aimed to support its tenants but legal action, as detailed in the Tenancy Management Policy needed to be available if all other action to resolve issues had been exhausted.
During discussion the following points were noted:
· Members thanked Mr. Cotton, his team and Councillor Pearson for their work.
· Members thanked Scrutiny Committee for their review of the policies and the feedback they had provided, noting the detailed review undertaken by the Committee on the Council’s void properties in 2019, the results of which were reflected within the Voids Policy.
· The policies represented a long overdue set updates, reflecting current legislation and best practice, benefiting both the Council and its tenants.
· Domestic abuse was on the rise and Members were pleased that Melton was joining LCC and other districts to tackle this.
· Cases of domestic abuse were extremely sensitive and the Council had good practices in place to deal with this. The Policy, together with engagement with experts and training providers would underpin the Council’s continuous improvement in this area.
· Members highlighted the need for sufficient housing stock availability for emergencies, such as domestic abuse cases, where individuals or families need to be housed immediately.
· It was important to maintain the integrity of the Housing Revenue Account by minimising loss of income due to void properties. Timely repairs was key.
· Members agreed that the option of legal action was needed to safeguard the Council and community. Improvements in this area had been made (including through investment in the Council’s Housing and Legal services).
· The Council had set a strong agenda on affordable homes within the borough and inclusion of ‘rural designation’ within the Right to Buy Policy supported this agenda.
Cases of domestic abuse were extremely sensitive
and the Council had good practices in place to deal with this. The Policy, together with engagement with
experts and training providers would underpin the Council’s continuous improvement
in this area.
1) NOTED the contents of the report and the responses received to the consultation on the Policies;
2) APPROVED the following policies effective from 1 February 2021:
· Void Policy;
· Tenancy Management (Legal Action) Policy;
· Right to Buy Policy;
· Aids and Adaptation Policy; and
· Domestic Abuse Policy.
3) DELEGATED authority to the Director for Housing and Communities for:
· (in relation to the Right to Buy Policy) making an application to the Secretary of State seeking ‘rural area’ exemption for eligible parishes within Melton Borough;
· making minor amendments and if required further amendments to reflect changes in regulation or legislation to the policies approved above.
Reason for the
The Council’s
Corporate Strategy 2020-24 commits to “providing high quality council homes and
landlord services” as Priority Theme Two.
To achieve this, a clear policy framework is essential. The Council has a number of functions where
policy is either out-of-date or reliant on custom and practice, rather than a
formally approved policy statement.
The proposed policies apply
good practice to the Melton perspective and seek to balance the Council’s
business needs with its ongoing commitment to support tenants wherever
Supporting documents: