Agenda item


Belvoir Cricket Club, Harston Lane, Knipton





Belvoir Cricket Club, Harston Lane, Knipton


New Cricket Pavilion, car parking and ancillary buildings




(Councillor Steadman here left the meeting due to her personal interest declared at PL81 above.)


The Planning Officer (TE) addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application.


(Councillor Chandler entered the meeting 3 minutes after the start of the Planning Officer’s presentation and although she had no camera facility, she confirmed that she could hear the proceedings of the meeting and the Chair and Members were able to hear her therefore she was able to take part in the application.)


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Peter Carr, Belvoir Parish Council


In response to Member questions


·         as to why Bottesford had been mentioned as an alternative location for this facility, it was understood there had been an offer of land at Bottesford and for no other reason


·         the cricket club had been on the site for 80-100 years


·         the new facility would mean there would be more throughput of coaches and cars over a wider timespan, being 12 months of the year, which especially affected residents of Harston


·         James Brown, Rural Insight


·         Darren Bicknell, Belvoir Cricket and Countryside Trust


In response to Member questions, Mr Bicknell advised


·         There were 92 car parking spaces in the proposal and these would mainly be used for Belvoir Bees on a  Friday evening when 70-80 children attended with parents. The extra space would be there for when it was needed

·         The cricket club had been there for approximately 100 years and was difficult to sustain with the current activities. The proposals would allow update and extend the current offering to enable more people to use the site including disabled people and women and girls. The club also worked with the Belvoir Estate in offering linked activities for visitors and this was available throughout the year

·         Most people accessed the site by car but there were coach visitors too and the new car park would enable the coaches to wait on site rather than leave and return and reduce any waiting on neighbouring roads thereby reducing journeys and congestion

·         There were no plans to use the venue for weddings. It was anticipated that all events would be related to the trust’s aims

·         Much of the success of the club was down to its unique and inspirational location and the access for visitors to the neighbouring Belvoir Estate, which allowed them to experience so many country pursuits including bird watching, orienteering, fishing, birds of prey and the hounds, therefore the club did not intend to consider other sites

·         It would not be viable for the club or buy or rent land at another venue


The Planning Development Manager advised that alternative locations was not a material planning consideration and there was no need for the applicant to demonstrate an interest in other locations as part of this application.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Members considered the balance between development, conservation and public benefit

·         There was support for the scheme and the club was already working with under-privileged children and young people from the cities and it helped with their learning and understanding of the countryside

·         The cricket offered young people outdoor exercise which helped with encouraging being active and fit

·         There were many enthusiastic volunteers involved at the club and they helped to make it a fantastic facility

·         The facility fitted with many policies within the local plan and also aimed to cater for people with disabilities

·         There was concern at there being no footpath between the site and the existing path and not everyone would arrive by car and pedestrian/cycle access should be considered

·         Investment in this type of grass roots facility led to success at a national level

·         The proposal would offer sustainability for the club and the next generation as well as ensure inclusivity

·         There was a leaning towards the public benefits outweighing the harm

·         Cricket was enjoyed by all ages in taking part, as a spectator, as a support and volunteer

·         There was concern at the bund on the site and whether this contributed to the standing water currently there and it was known that the site could be waterlogged

·         It was noted that the site had not been assessed for flooding and no sustainable drainage scheme had been proposed however there could be an additional condition to ensure mitigation for potential impact on flooding

·         Members were in favour to add a condition to investigate the potential risk of flooding


(Councillor Holmes lost connectivity for a couple of minutes and re-joined the meeting in the midst of the debate.)


·         It was pointed out that hundreds of cars attended Belvoir Castle’s open day which was manageable and the use of the club would never involve that number of vehicles

·         There was a landscaping scheme in place which would screen and soften the approach to the site

·         This type of facility supported sustainability in the rural economy


Councillor Chandler proposed the recommendations in the report together with an additional condition relating to a drainage scheme should this be required. Councillor Posnett seconded the motion.




The application be approved, subject to the conditions as set out in the report and a condition relating to a drainage scheme should this be required.






The public benefits of the proposal are considered to outweigh the harm to the setting of the adjacent GII* listed Belvoir Castle Registered Park & Gardens, in accordance with Paragraph 196 of the NPPF and Policy EN13 of the Melton Local Plan.


The proposal is in accordance with Policy SS1 of the Melton Local Plan which states that when considering development proposals, the Council will take a positive approach that reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the National Planning Policy Framework.


The proposal is supported as it can be identified as a ‘community facility’ as stated in Paragraph 5.11.3 of the Melton Local Plan.


The proposal is in accordance with Policy C7 of the Melton Local Plan which states that support will be given to proposals and activities that protect, retain or enhance existing community services and facilities.


The proposal is in accordance with Policy C9 of the Melton Local Plan which states that all development proposals should make a positive contribution to sports and recreational facilities close to where people live and work, to encourage greater participation in play, sport, walking and cycling and to maximise opportunities for social interaction.


(Councillor Steadman here re-entered the meeting.)

Supporting documents: