Agenda item


To receive a report on the recommendations of Cabinet referred to Council in relation to the General Fund Revenue Budget 2021/22 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2021/22 to 2024/25


(The attached Cabinet report (Appendix 1) has been updated to include amendments made by the Director for Corporate Services under delegated authority since the Cabinet meeting)


Councillor Ronnie de Burle, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance and Resources introduced and moved the recommendations in the report, providing a brief summary and highlighting that 2020 had been an extremely challenging year for the Council's finances.  Much progress had been made since the pandemic started and since receipt of the first draft budget in November 2020.  Hard work, innovative thinking and additional Government support through the spending review and finance settlement, had enabled the Council to balance the budget, without compromising core services.  This was a considerable achievement, at a time where many councils were reducing services.  He thanked the Director for Corporate Services, her team and all budget holders for their work. 


Councillor de Burle advised that the work on the Financial Sustainability Programme would help plan and prepare the Council but there would be difficult times ahead.  Future Government support was uncertain and the community would need support, as the nation moved into recovery.  Ensuring that the necessary finances were in place was vital.


Councillor de Burle highlighted the proposal to work with other preceptors to set up a discretionary Council Tax Relief Fund to help support residents and proposals to improve town centre street furniture etc. to ensure the town centre remained attractive.


Councillor Orson seconded the motion and reserved his right to speak.


During debate the following points were noted:


·         Members thanked the Director for Corporate Services, her team and Councillor de Burle for his work to achieve a balanced budget and noted the inclusion of a number of growth items.

·         A concern was raised that revenue was not sufficiently directed to deal with the pandemic and its effect on the community.

·         There was notable Council achievements as a result of public investment and the Council needed to ensure it maintained its high performance.

·         Members noted the £515k sundry debtors reserve, commenting that there were historical debt collection issues and this may be worsened by the impact of financial hardship in the community.

·         2020 had been a period of great difficulty for many in the community.  The Council had an obligation to produce a balanced budget and council tax increases were necessary to ensure the continued delivery of services, particularly critical services to the most vulnerable.

·         Funding for the Planning service had been agreed in October 2020 (£26k one-off payment) and recruitment of staff (£12k to potentially £48k).  The Planning Review considered how to improve the service for stakeholders and customers.

·         The good work undertaken by the Regeneration Team (administering grants, promoting tourism, promoting farm shops and award winning businesses was noted.

·         The Council had received praise and thanks from businesses for its administration of business grants.






1)    APPROVED the proposals for General Expenses and Special Expenses Melton Mowbray for inclusion in the 2021/22 budget;


2)    DELEGATED authority to the Director for Corporate Services to release the funding for the growth items for town centre improvements, place survey and discretionary council tax support;


3)    APPROVED the revenue budget for 2021/22 for General and Special Expenses, resulting in an overall council tax increase of £5;


4)    APPROVED that any increase or shortfall against the target working balance on General Expenses at 31 March 2021 is transferred to/from the Corporate Priorities Reserve and for Special Expenses Melton Mowbray any surplus/deficit be transferred to/from the Special Expenses Reserve thereby bringing the actual balance back to the target;


5)    NOTED the changes made to the risk categorisation of budgets.


The above resolution was voted for as follows:



Bindloss, Browne, Chandler, Child, Cumbers, de Burle, Douglas, Faulkner, Freer-Jones, Glancy, Graham, Hewson, Higgins, Holmes, Illingworth, Lumley, Orson, Posnett, Pritchett, Steadman, Wilkinson.



Carter, Evans.




Supporting documents: