To receive a report on the recommendation of Cabinet referred to Council in relation to the Community Safety Partnership Strategic Plan
Councillor Alan Pearson, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Communities introduced and moved the recommendations in the report, providing a summary and advising that the Community Safety Partnership consisted of a range of agencies, committed to the reduction of crime and antisocial behaviour and to addressing wider community safety issues (deprivation, vulnerability engagement and services etc.) The Council had an excellent collaborative relationship with the Partnership and also worked closely with Leicestershire County Council and the Police Service.
Councillor Pearson highlighted that the Strategic Plan covered a number of areas (including antisocial behaviour and domestic violence) and promoted a cohesive community. It linked closely with the Council's Corporate Strategy and was based on a range of data and information (crime and disorder information and the strategic plans of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and Leicestershire County Council).
Councillor Pearson advised that the Partnership recognised the need to engage with communities and stakeholders effectively, using a narrative approach. A public consultation had been undertaken in January and February 2020, which provided a clear direction of focus for the Partnership’s resource of five key areas (drug related crime, road safety, violent crime, cybercrime and communication). Upon approval of the Strategic Plan, an annual Community Safety Action Plan would be compiled and reviewed by the Partnership to allow focused action and resource deployment for the forthcoming year. Outcomes would be reported to Scrutiny Committee annually.
Councillor Orson seconded the motion and reserved his right to speak.
(Councillor Smith here left the meeting.)
During debate the following points were noted:
· The Strategic Plan had been considered at Scrutiny Committee on 2 March 2021, with Inspector Audrey Danvers, Neighbourhood Policing Area Commander Melton and Rutland in attendance.
· Members were pleased that the results of audits and strategic assessments indicated that Melton was a safe place to live, with low crime and disorder levels.
· Members noted that the Partnership was required to produce a community safety plan every 3 years and undertake an annual strategic assessment to revise the plan and the community safety priorities, commenting that regular review was important.
· Members were disappointed that there had been a recent increase in violent crime statistics in Melton but were pleased that a Violence Reduction network has been established to address issues across Leicestershire and specifically in Melton.
· Cyber-crime was increasing and was an area of growing concern. Members were pleased that the Strategic Plan covered this and that there would be a focus on the young and vulnerable groups.
· Members were pleased with the number of organisations working together to reduce crime and disorder (22 of these organisations were listed in the Strategic Plan).
· Parish councils were sometimes unclear about where they could obtain support for issues such as drugs and fly-tipping. As one of these organisations working to reduce crime and disorder, it was vital that they were made aware of the resource available through the Safer Communities Partnership.
· The Strategic Plan focussed on issues affecting the Melton community, as well as those of county-wide and national concern.
· The Melton Learning Hub had facilitated premises for the Police Service to meet with young people and talk through issues of concern. Two schemes of note were related to knife crime and preventing offending and were a significant and accessible benefit to young people.
· Leicestershire County Council worked well as Partnership lead, collating information and distributing it to district councils.
· Melton Mowbray Young Farmers Club were commended for the initiative they had shown in continuing to meet and hold competitions remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic.
· Organisations in Melton were proactive and worked well together to tackle issues of concern. This work should be highlighted and supported.
To APPROVE the proposed Community Safety Strategy 2021/24.
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