Agenda item


·         Scrutiny Chairman’s Summary of Lake Terrace Report and Findings


·         Response & Recovery Task and Finish Group (Place) - Final Report


·         Scrutiny Task and Finish Group Review of the Melton Mowbray Business Improvement District (BID), Final Report


Scrutiny Chairman’s Summary of Lake Terrace Report and Findings

Councillor Pat Cumbers, Chair of Scrutiny Committee stated:


‘I am happy  to bring this item to Cabinet today.  You will note from the paper that we carried out a thorough investigation into all aspects of this planning application, to build affordable houses near Lake Terrace and I would like to thank officers for the help we received.  All the information we needed and our questions were answered promptly and fully.’


Councillor Joe Orson, Leader of the Council stated:


‘This item relates to a review which the Chair and Vice Chair of Scrutiny undertook into the decision taken by Cabinet in January, regarding a proposed disposal of land.  The summary of this review was discussed at the recent Scrutiny meeting and the notes of this discussion have been shared with Cabinet as part of the agenda.  I am very grateful for the extensive work which the Chair and Vice Chair of Scrutiny have undertaken in relation to this issue and it is both pleasing and reassuring that the efforts and actions of officers and this Cabinet have been fully vindicated through the work that has been done.  Thank you.’


Response and Recovery Task and Finish Group (Place) - Final Report

Councillor Cumbers advised that Councillor Rob Bindloss (Vice Chair of Scrutiny Committee and Chair of the Response and Recovery Task and Finish Group (Place)) was unable to attend this meeting to present the report, which described how the Council and partners had dealt with ‘place’ issues during the Covid-19 pandemic.


In his absence, Councillor Jeanne Douglas, Vice Chair of the Group presented the report, highlighting that the Council’s Scrutiny Committee had approved a Task and Finish Group related to ‘place’ issues on 1 September 2020.  This group had reviewed the response and recovery in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Councillor Douglas advised that the Task and Finish Group had reviewed:


·         Leisure and Tourism (place branding and promotion, destination management and hospitality

·         Employment (skills and apprenticeships and business support


The Group had been divided into 2 smaller groups to focus on ‘Retail and Market’ and ‘Cafe Culture’.


Councillor Douglas highlighted that the group had launched a town centre survey in late October 2020, which had proved to be successful with 327 responses.  Overall, responses had been positive in tone, with the vast majority stating that the Council’s Covid-19 measures were good and there was much that residents valued about the borough, such as the community, shops, market and Country Park.  The results of the survey had been incorporated into a report, which could be accessed on the Council’s website and Councillor Douglas highlighted the following:

·         The Business survey had received 22 responses, which was a comparatively good response.

·         The Council had held a Business Improvement District (BID) and Town Estate meeting in January (Chaired by Councillor Bindloss) to share information linked to the Group’s research.

·         Concerning business grants, in total over £10.7m had been awarded to over 800 eligible businesses during the first lockdown and a further £7.3m had been awarded to 600 businesses during the second lockdown.  The grants were an outstanding success and as a result, many businesses had been saved from closure.

·         Important conclusions from the report included:

                       i.        more resources were required, particularly in the form of financial support to fund and develop opportunities;

                      ii.        there should be funding for dedicated officer time to free up officers to progress their considerable workloads;

                     iii.        Melton needed an ambitious response to support local businesses (including the leisure and tourism sectors) to recover from the effects of the pandemic lockdowns, such as the boosting of night-time economies and the supporting of taxi businesses etc.


The Leader thanked the Group, noting the excellent work they had undertaken.




1)    RECOGNISED the work of the Task and Finish Group and ACKNOWLEDGED the contents of the report;

2)    APPROVED the recommendations of the final report of the Response and Recovery Task and Finish Group (Place).


Scrutiny Task and Finish Group Review of the Melton Mowbray Business Improvement District (BID), Final Report

Councillor Cumbers introduced the report, advising that the Scrutiny Task and Finish Group had given much consideration to its recommendations to the BID, to help improve its relationship with the Council.  The BID was very much part of the town and it was important for the Council to work closely with it.  The proposal to enlarge the BID district to include some additional industries and businesses was sensible.  Cabinet’s endorsement of the recommendations was sought and comments from Members were invited.


Councillor Alison Freer, Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement thanked Councillor Cumbers and the Group for their work.  The recommendations were appropriate and the first, concerning the Council’s relationship with the BID was very important.  The Council wanted to support the BID and encourage it to share information.  Councillor Freer suggested that she and the Director for Growth and Regeneration work together to foster this relationship.




1)    NOTED the work of the Task and Finish Group and ACKNOWLEDGED the contents of the report;


2)    RECOGNISED that the recommendations at (b) and (c) were solely for the BID’s consideration and that the recommendation at (a) would require collaboration between the Council and the BID.


3)    ENDORSED the following recommendations:


(a)  That the Council undertake greater collaboration with the BID to consider ways that both organisations could take some joint responsibility for shared priorities in relation to town centre businesses.  This should include agreeing to an approach to identify realistic and positive expectations and aspirations for the relationship between the Council and the BID.

(b)  That consideration be given to enlarging the defined BID area and then actively seeking a wider representation from local businesses on the BID Board.

(c)  That the BID give consideration to re-establishing a website.


Supporting documents: