Agenda item


In accordance with the Constitution, Members of the Council may answer questions from the public of which notice has been given.


One question has been received.


In accordance with the Constitution, Members of the Council may answer questions from the public of which notice has been given.


The following question was received from Glynn Cartwright:


‘Please would you let me know the balance of funds granted to Melton Matters?’


The Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement provided the following response:


‘I have checked the position on the question you have raised and can confirm that the funding allocated by the Town Area Committee in 2017 was not a grant and was not formally allocated to Melton Matters, rather the Council’s records reflect that this was a one off budget to address environmental issues such as dog fouling. I recognise that through discussions with elected Members at the time, the Council wanted to enable Melton Matters to influence how this funding was spent, though sometimes this informal arrangement has led to ambiguity and confusion, which we absolutely need to address now. Over the last 5 years we have spent vastly more than the original funding allocated on environmental matters. This includes providing Melton Matters with equipment and supporting clean ups, as well as installing bins etc. We have also installed a significant amount of signage to support the new Public Spaces Protection Order and have also invested in dedicated environmental enforcement officer resources. On this basis I can confirm that the funding allocated in 2017 has been fully spent and there is no budget remaining.


Having said that, I want to reassure you that we remain committed to supporting community groups in Melton and as discussed, recognise the valuable contribution volunteers and community groups make in addressing community issues. We discussed litter picking specifically when we met and I am able to confirm that the Council would be happy to purchase a one off supply of litter picking equipment which could be made available to support groups carrying out litter picking activities. This would be on the basis of the Council purchasing and holding a stock of litter picking equipment, which could be requested as needed, by groups including Melton Matters and Melton Wombles.’


Mr. Cartwright asked the following supplementary question:


‘In 2017, Melton Matters were awarded £7k and I believe there is still £1.5k left of that money.  Can you tell me what has happened to the £1.5k, which I believe is still available?’


The Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement provided the following response:


‘As addressed in the original statement, the money allocated was not awarded directly to Melton Matters.  There were discussions whereby it was alluded to you that the money was awarded specifically for that group but upon review of the meeting minutes, this was a sum of money for the environmental aspects of Melton and specifically for dog fouling (the main issue at the time).  The money was not meant to be carried forward.  It was supposed to have been spent.  It was carried forward for a number of years and once the amount of money added up for the specific equipment plus collecting of the waste and other aspects, the sum of money spent on environmental activities vastly outweighed the original £7k awarded.  I think it is valid that the Council have made a commitment to providing more equipment over and above that requested for community groups to use on an ongoing basis (it is important that we draw a line under this at some point).  That equipment will be purchased by the Council and will be made available to those community groups and that would be far in excess of the money originally allocated in 2017.’