Agenda item

Application 20/01388/REM

Spinney Campus - Brooksby Melton College, Melton Road, Brooksby





Spinney Campus - Brooksby Melton College, Melton Road, Brooksby


Appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of development at the site comprising 70 dwellings and associated infrastructure (Outline Consent 19/01371/VAC)


The Senior Planning Officer (RR) addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application. He referred to a late representation that had been received from the Chief Executive of the SMB College Group outlining the benefits to the college and the community of approving the application which had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting. He updated the Committee on an error in a table in the report relating to home office rooms which were interpreted as additional bedrooms owing to their potential to be used as such. The updated table was as follows:



1 bed

2 bed

3 bed

4+ bed


0 (0%)

0 (0%)

25 (35.7%)

39 (55.7%)


These percentages were based on the market housing only – the remaining 6 affordable housing representing the final 8.6% of the overall total of 70 dwellings on the site.



He summarised that the recommendation was for approval.


Members raised the following and officers responded :


·         The housing mix and high number of 4 bed plus homes. However it was noted that the Parish Council was in support of the allocation.

Response: Policy C2 allows for deviation from the optimum mix taking into account, amongst several criteria, site characteristics and was considered acceptable in relation to the isolated site. 


·         Steps were shown at the front door to some of the homes and accessibility was a concern.

Response: The photographs were purely shown for materials used on other sites and were not representative of this site.


·         The volume and speed of traffic on the main road that leads to the entrance to the site.

Response: The Highway Authority was considering this and traffic lights was an option. However it is not one of the ‘reserved matters’ included in this application.


·         Members felt a 40mph speed limit would be more beneficial for safety reasons than imposing traffic lights in a rural setting on such a major road between Leicester and Melton.

Response: The Highway Authority was looking into the matter and this was not part of the application at this meeting.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Councillor Stuart Robinson, Hoby with Rotherby Parish Council


Councillor Robinson responded to Member queries that the Parish Council considered that housing needs were met for this site and its location and considered that the Parish Council had been fully involved in finalising the housing mix for the site. He added that the area would become its own hamlet and add to the vibrancy of the wider local community. He also felt that Severn Trent Water had a responsibility to provide water for the site and would like to work with partners in reducing the speed limit to 40 mph of the Leicester Road.


·         Dawn Whitemore, CEO and Principal, SMB College Group


Ms Whitemore stated that investment such as the benefits from this development was critical for the college sector. She responded that road safety it was a major concern for the college and they would like to see a 40mph speed limit imposed.


·         Sally Smith, Planning Director, Bloor Homes East Midlands


It was noted that the population projections were based on the 2012

housing needs study.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Members were impressed by the Parish Council support and strong endorsement of the bigger picture including the wider impact of improvements to the college, theatre and local economy

·         The Parish Council and community had undertaken a significant journey and the overall scheme complied with the Neighbourhood Plan and delivered more affordable housing than previously presented 

·         Although it was an isolated site the Planning Inspector had already given permission for the development of the site

·         The benefits which included regeneration of the town centre and ensured the viability of the college in the town helped to make the development worthwhile for approval

·         The green credentials for the development were appreciated

·         A common sense approach was needed for improved road safety

·         There was a request to add a condition for screening the pumping station

·         There were requests for instructions that the affordable homes be retained in perpetuity and a nesting box be provided

·         There was concern as to whether Members would be liable for accidents along the Melton to Leicester Road at Brooksby and the Senior Solicitor advised that as a consultee and partner, it was the Leicestershire County Council as the Highway Authority which was responsible for the safety of the road


Councillor Browne proposed that the application be approved with an additional condition relating to screening the pumping station. Councillor Illingworth seconded the motion.




That application 20/01388/REM be APPROVED subject to the conditions set out at Appendix C and an additional condition relating to screening the pumping station.






The application site benefits from outline planning permission with access for residential development comprising up to 70 dwellings. The principle of the access and the number of units proposed were approved at the outline stage.


The proposal, as amended following negotiations, would result in a form of development that would by sympathetic to the character of the locality by virtue of its appearance, landscaping, layout and scale and would not unduly compromise residential amenity.


The scheme is considered to be respectful of, and responds to, the topography of the site with limited intrusion upon the landscape arising from engineering works. It is considered that the proposal would fit in with and enhance the site in a positive manner.


The scheme is considered to satisfy the requirements of the applicable Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan policies, including Policy 15 specifically applicable to this site.

Supporting documents: